Lucid Dreaming - teh jurnal!!1

So I've noticed a lot of people here are talking about Lucid Dreaming and exchanging hints / tips for it.
I'm generally interested what techniques Crossfire uses to get into Lucid Dreaming - what are your favorites? What do you like to do in Lucid Dreams (except for interactive fapping) and what are your problems / fears?

Personally I always have had trouble with techniques that keep the mind awake while the body drifts to sleep, so I've never really been able to successfully use WILD, the one that is most commonly explained from what I saw here so far. I've had lucid dreams since I was a child and when I was around 13 I've done some research into what is actually happening when I sleep and got myself a few techniques and mastered them, but most of my lucid dreams are Mind Induced or Dream Induced, meaning I notice that I actually am in a dream and then do a realitycheck.

One of my biggest trouble always was flying upwards, I could only fly as if I was in a paraglider. I've only recently gotten completely rid of that problem, but from time to time, it appears again :D
Also in my earlier stages before I actually knew what lucid dreaming was and how to gain complete control, I often was killed by other people in my dream or choked and then woke up. Gone by now too.

As for dream memory, I've been a lot better with it. Recently I've been shabby with my dream diaries and only remember half a dream per night, so I should get into it again. I used to remember about three some time ago.
Well did image: 5mwbD and I felt like "heavy" and stuff and I started to realize I'm dreaming (was on et_beach and et_ice omg omg ET dreams) but then I felt asleep.. :/ Gonna try to do it again this night. :)
tried it last night, was in a spaceship, quite awesome
Was it your first try? How long did you remember your dream? If it really was your first try and you can remember details, then you're pretty talented :)
i remember my dreams often and to be fair i didn't know i was dreaming and i still remember the major part of my dream :D but i did try laying still to enduce sleep paralysis etc

e: and yeah, first try
fucking nerds
so if u get to sleep and wake up after maybe 2 hours and still know what happened in the dream its lucid dreaming or what? X:DDD
No, it's when you take control of the dream. Lucid Dreaming = whatever you think happens.

Flying around, praccing ET hard at night etc!
Is it also true that if you practise something hard in your dreams, you become better at this in real life as well ? (ice-skating, doing piruettes etc)
read about it in some lucid dreaming site.
Stephen LaBerge pracced skating only in dreams and could do it in RL later. I would quite say so :) but in ET, your enemy CAN move differently than in RL depending on your experience in the game so I'd say it doesn't apply to EVERYTHING :P
and no, i didnt mean ET at all :DD:
im going to dream that im doing heavy workouts :D next day i wake up with musclepain and in a month ill be a fuckin bodybuilder LoL
yes and no

your mind will perfectly know what to do ( eg when you are iceskating ) but your body will still need to learn it
Oh, thats logical.

thanks :D
What's the use of lucid dreaming?
Having fun.
- its interesting to be in control in ( not of ) your dreams
- can be used to face your subconcious fears
- to get to know yourself better ( subconscience controls your dreams to an extent, and you can figure out why you are dreaming about situation A or B )

these just came to my mind

ps : was too lazy to write sentences
Dont want to discuss my dreams with crossfire sorry:)
crossfire is a gaming site, it can't lucid-dream
CF is changing... evolving to next level!
would make a good clan name

and no never tried lucid dreaming , might try it when i have 3 days off in a week
My dream for 2 years :

I get hit by train and after that i just come awake... still can't understand what is it!
Next time when you see the train coming on to you, yell "fuck you train and stop right now"

It will stop

Then talk to the train and ask it why it's running over you all the time

This is what Kevin means by "- to get to know yourself better ( subconscience controls your dreams to an extent, and you can figure out why you are dreaming about situation A or B )"

well I heard you should do smth in those dreams (like jump away)
i can't move.. in that dream!
as I said... do smth (:
think that you are iron man and that the train folds around you!
I became aware of the fact that i was sleeping without waking up once. I dreamed that my parents (this is ~8 years ago) bought a new computer. It was too good to be true, so I realized I were dreaming.

True story!
wet dream of a nerd :P

sup btw
idd :D

Nothing rly, u?
Been trying some techniques, but got over excited when I entered the sleep paralysis state which caused me to lose my concentration :<
forever alone
i dreamt i was on some planet where everyone walked around with a smile and all people would greet you politely, the place was covered with great flowers and everywhere you'd watch there was nice flora, there was a mountain which you could climb and a huge waterfall, it wasnt water though which flowed in it but it was actually orange juice, however there were still swimming fishes in it which looked quite happy as well, i've never seen fish have a happy face but these fishes had em somehow, so i walked upto this orange river and there were counters next to it which had glasses on it, so i asked a man with a very long beard who was sitting near the river if i was allowed to drink some orangejuice out of the river and he said ofcourse, thats one of the reasons its here for! So i smiled at the old man and took a glass and filled it, it was the best orange juice i've ever had, so i nodded and smiled at the man and said goodbye, he did some weird moves with his hands and said something in a language i didnt understand, it sounded very nice though, so i continued my journey and came in a forest with one flower more beautiful as the other, then this girl who looked like an angel showed up and she had a cute yellow dress, around her neck was a necklace made of fresh flowers, so i asked her how she was doing and she answered, you must be new here, because people who been here for a while know there's no use to ask it since everyone here is doing great and we dont have reasons to complain, so i smiled and said alright, good day to you then, she smiled back at me and took a necklace made of orange flowers which she put around my neck, i continued walking trough the forest and i gazed so much at the amazing things i've seen, my jaws started to hurt. I got a little tired of walking and all of a sudden this man with a cart and a horse in front of it appeared and asked if i needed a ride, so i said sure and asked where are you heading to, he smiled and said wherever you want! I told him i had no idea since i didnt knew this place that well yet and he said he would bring me to a more crowded area, so we travelled a while trough some fields which had flowers with an amazing smell, after a while we arrived in a little city where in the middle was a towncenter, people were sitting in a big circle and some of them had instruments and played some very peacefull sounding music, i layed down next to some others and enjoyed listening the music, next to me were some people preparing food and handing it around to anyone who'd want something to eat, there were lovely girls walking around with various drinks, i've accepted some food which tasted delicious and drank a little after, then some of people started to dance again, an old man with a long grey beard appeared and started to talk about some stuff i didnt understand, when he was done every clapped and the people who were standing bowed for him, when he left they all started to dance again and right about then a girl appeared and told me to follow her, she brought me to a nice little house and she said that it was mine, so i went inside to see how it'd look and there was a note on the table which said i had to add stuff on it which i'd like to appear in the house and that i had to throw the note in the big basket at the townsquare, so i checked out the house and it actually had enough in it already, i layed down on the couch and after turning on some music, i fell asleep.

and thats when i woke up and realized i was still at earth, right about then i raged and smashed my fists into the wall untill it bleeded.
are you guys serious with all the paralysis state lol, i dont do any of those techniques, it takes me very long to sleep (30-60minutes) and if i start dreaming i always manage to somehow control it if i can be arsed, and im always aware that im dreaming and i always 'control' my dream (its more like guessing whats coming next, or just thinking about whats coming next in the dream, and it does happen) if shit starts to get nasty i'll wake up, if shit starts to get too good i wake up as well.

p.s i do sleep with my arms under my head so maybe indirectly im doing the technique without knowing it, but i really doubt it, never felt any crap on my chest lol, would shit my pants.

i never get to determine what to start dreaming about, (i.e the topic of the dream) but i always, or most of the time end up guessing/controlling what will happen
I also have trouble with wake induced lucid dreams as you describe it in the first paragraph - personal taste matter...
anyway i'm afraid to try it for now, it will probably turn into a nightmare or some other fucked up thing i have in my mind which would scare me shitless, i prefer to sleep peacefully for now :(
I don't get why people have problems with their dreams becoming nightmares... once something fucked up happens, I always realitycheck, and if it's actually a dream, it's np for me to get out of the situations or even make them fun.

Recently dreamed that a bunch of zombies chased me, after two minutes, I chased them.
QuoteRecently dreamed that a bunch of zombies chased me, after two minutes, I chased them.

made me laugh xD
it's kills the purpose of sleep
Explain the purpose of sleep and prove that it is affected by lucid dreaming
First off, I take your comment as sarcasm and/or some kind of neglect to reality therefore I will not take it by word.

So, do you know of any living creature with any longer lifespan, or with apparent intelligence, that does not deeply link sleep with activity?

It's kinda obvious that everything have tradeoffs in all directions, but unless if it's a plan for future coevolutions, or if your values on the tradeoffs are diverged, then I have a hard time believing it is something wanted.
I expected you to tell me about how lucid dreaming disturbs your sleep since it does not let your minds rest. However, you're telling me that we link sleep with activity. Therefore, you just supported lucid dreaming - activity by sleeping. Since I cannot prove you wrong there, I suppose that I just misunderstood you, and will let this conversation rest.
I've said it on e and I will say it again, I think you're a very delusional person who is extremely not smart, in a very high level
Feel sorry for you really
go back to 8chan
I love myself
they say there that greate names like albert einstein use lucid dreams aswell to work out some new theories:P
depends on the point of view and belief system, e.g. what have u learned from ur life experience.

lucid dreaming can be also defined as OBE (out of body experience) or any form of meditation, which is described as higher state of stillness where ur connected to energy of universe or "The Creator" and you get new ideas and experience to put into every day life.

In lucid dreaming you dont have the factor of "time" and you can do stuff more effectively and faster, which means you dont need to wait for experiment results to complete.

If your subconsious and mind is clear enough and not affected by your fears, everything is possible.

Surprised to see this journal in CF.
sry but thats fucking sick,you can go crazy with that shit man
some day you jump out of your window because you think your dreaming but in reality you just killed yourself
To be honest I usually don't jump out of windows, and my realitychecks are pretty safe. I mean I actually never was able to use telekinetic powers in real life and stuff
dont use any tricks, i dream lucid every night since a few months.
started when i was a kid now it happens more often.
i somehow managed to loose my fear from nightmares too since i always get lucid and fuck those nasty figures or whats happening (and simply dont care)
funny shit :) i love flying!
An interesting journal on crossfire.. fuckin shocking. I must try this later on.. I fuckin love shit like that, the only reason I ever take any drugs is to trip.
it has only worked for me once since I learned about this "lucid dreaming on purpose", and although I'm not a drugs-expert ( only experimented randomly with shit my friends came up with ) I think its better than having a trip, simply because you are aware that it isn't real and with some practice you can even control your environment

the "being aware that it isnt real" stuff is about having a bad trip, never had one but I saw a mate have one and well ... shit hit the fan
had fucked up dreams last nite.. I was at a party and took pills and had a really bad trip and then I couldn't find anyone so I started driving around but I kept crashing into everything it was so real.
Worthy journal is worthy. tbh
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