
- Baggiez@FM2011

image: 5d5gzb

Leeds promoted in the first season. NP. Everton got relegated - moving in for Fellaini + Rodwell + Cahill + Jagiekla nomnomnonmonmnonnom

In other news:

- MLG Dallas day3 today. Some sick StarcraftII on the rip:

- Man City vs. West Brom @ IRL

West Brom going to smash them

- I got a brand new pair of rollerskates

image: 1zp3xhf
baggiez you're such a fag
lolol I troll you?
go out and play football instead
manager games are boring
good player
i don't like you, but i like your games taste.
playing with liverpool, first season. have 4m budget, currently bought Biggs, smithies and juan muniz.
im praying i get a budget next year to get shaqiri and bale and get rid of maxi and babel
depends, at the demo liverpool got sold al the time, and sometimes got a 100M budget etc, but i guess they changed that with the final version?
i had 0 budget when i started, and in the middle of the first season (i'm at feb) they got sold do some shakesheeps lol, they've given me a 4m budget...i'm not expecting much from them
aww poor you, when ure lucky you get bought by ppl with loads of money, depends on every new game x]
i was first with spurs at the demo
Baggiez - the man, the legend. First conquers ET to become best UK fops 2k5, 6 and 7, then draws against BoxeR (real) on a SC2 LAN and now takes over the FM world in a raging season full of wins.

Whatever next?
getting laid
we have winnar
nerd game
baggiez its online?
u're gay.
Go Baggiez!

I'm raging with Belgium Germinal Beerschot through the friendlies, even beat frogfucking Auxerre! But I'm having difficulties finding good players for my team, I always used Mini and Genie Scout in FM 07, 08 and 10 that I just don't know how to spot a good player for this level.

It's annoying!
my scout managed to find nice players, juan muniz, francisco alcacer, marko maletic
check them out...
Yeah, but you play with Liverpool and are considered one of the most attractive teams in the world to play for. I'm Germinal Beerschot, if people outside Belgium know my club it's a victory on itself.

I have a transferbudget of 500k € and a remaining wagebudget of -25k € :D
i have a 4m budget and i had to convice smithies after loads of press talks until he wanted to talk with contracts
juan muniz now wants to leave because he was dropped the the reserves...
liverpool are wayy underrated in this game :o
look at small countries like columbia etc, sometimes they have good players in the columbian teams who are awesome
huk vs TLO today :< some sick SC2 matches coming up , idra out of the tourney already 60 min long game of Sen vs Socke

cant wait :)
yoa im watching too now, nony vs painkiller. dont know where to watch else than: this site, and the socke game wasnt on there :(

also wich is kinda worrieing is that there are barely protoss players there, and i play protoss :( now im scared its not a good race x]
Mh i watch that site aswell but protoss is a good race i play it myself it just requires a good micro control - just watch Nazgull's blink control or the forcefields placements by any protoss player.

I prefer Protoss on Terran since terran only go Marines marauders medivacs against protoss and actually keep going that, protoss is more complicated but has way more strategys like teching to high templars + collosi etc
true, but my micro aint that good yet :( and i do think protoss loses over terran in the mid/far game (from what ive seen so far) and that its very hard against zerg (tho HuK can be a beast with the forcefields)
A small mistake of a protoss player can lead to a quicker lose if you compare it with Terran true, but i think mid/late game Protoss can really shine against Terran with Collosi+High Templars, my high templar play still sucks but when i get late game 1vs1 against Terran i mostly win (mabye thus my low rank legue (yet)) but mostly i play 2vs2 since its way more fun

im HuK's fanboy already with his mothership rushes and photon cannon rush in these kind of tourneys :P
ure screwed when ure oppo adapts to fast, gets mass vikings etc. luckily you dont have that in the bronze league, but im rly working on my micro now + forcefields. should do more templars indeed. but i get raped by the blizzard point system all the time, so i have huge trouble to climb in the ladder and get better oppo's wich is annoying.

huk is a beast, love his forcefields, only saw one vid of his mothership rush so far, not much photcannon stuff tho. im to scared to try to cheese, cuz when im screwed i lose 22 points again -_- and when i win i only get 4 x] wich is rly unfair :D
Bronze legue is to easy :P i win all my games with just 4-gateway mass stalker - research blink + robot facility observer blink in blink weak stalkers out (like nazgul vs idra) most of the time your oppo turtles himself anyway.

And keep scouting + expanding i normally hate when i've more then 2 Nexus's thats what i've to work on (just got promoted in 2v2)
yeah i have the same, mass stalkers + blink. proxy pylon somewhere.

but the point is that sc2 was my rts ever, so i lost the first 30 games before i started winning smth etc. cuz of that now i get 4 points every time i win. but loose 15-25 everytime i loose. so i i win some games in a row then, get some points ,raise 10-20 ranks. but loose one time cuz of a mistake, or a try of new tactic, and i lose 20 points ... so i barely get the chance to gain ranks wich is very annoying.

anyway how can u blink out the weak stalkers easy/quick? i hv the health bars on, but selecting the weak ones take time x] any trick for it?

my ID is desti#739 btw :] if you want too
nice random pic ;)
reminds me of super mario galaxy
It's from SuperMarioGalaxy so it should remind you XD
how the hell did u get that skin?
Patch came out on day of release (it's on torrentleech) and it includes the dark-skin

Light skin burns my eyes
the FM11 version has a background function that makes you have text isn't so visible on those backgrounds
how did you pass that?
What? FM11 version? I'm playing FM11 with the official FM11 v1.1 patch. I have no background where text isn't visible.
what graphics pack are you using?
'Dark skin'
any great transfers yet? :D
Leigh Griffiths - 36 goals last season
Jan Koller!
Kyle Walker + Richie de Laet + Danny Wilson - all on loan
Juhasz (Hungarian DC)

o so many
what tax do u use?
Last season to get promoted I used 442

All defenders set to defend and not go forward. Both MC set to defend.

ML + MR set to winger-attack. Both strikers set to poacher. Counter strategy.
I'll install new FM when I'll be back home. My "starting" team will have like 100k € on their transfer budget. Gonna try some nonames from africa :P
image: ipt54k

SUP DAWG? 2poor2buygame atm.

Plus I didn't believe you could buy players in the demo so I splashed the cash
I had khaldoon buy me Fabregas for 98m after I spent all the transferbudget ^_^
City is like playing with no challenge :o
How's llorente? I fancy him in my Liverpool team
I went City after I played the demo with Liverpool and couldn't sign anyone :(
I signed players that Liverpool have been linked with and are interested :D
Llorente is a great player would be a great buy for Liverpool if they could get the funds
same here, trying to buy shaqiri, llorente, banega etc :o with an exception of bale
did you hear about jukka lehtovaara(goalkeeper) training with WBA
you're so awesome!
bagimage: plastic20bag1giez
need new skins :(
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