you know what

i think? everyone who starts writing a sentence from capital letter is a complete nerd and it annoys me, i have no idea from where this opinion came and i just wanted to share it with you all crossies :)

just do it with journals, not in comments

e: noticed i do it barely in journals either, just very random actually x]
Taz does it with every sentence, is he a nerd? DONT THINK SOOO
I totally agree. Annoying shit. :/
does it automatically when im on my iphone
shtok kelev meshuga
yoa same for BB
Do you know what I think? Everyone who has the beginning of a sentence in a journal's title and the other part of it in the journal is a big nerd.

Sincerly yours, Noezify
An error has occured:
» No such journal.
English, do you speak it?
Where Is The Problem? I Am Bored
What makes me laugh is when people do not know where to use 'a or an' properly :)
ya fuck those guys dunzy :)
I can't help it, I had an education. :(
same man, i even hate more those that say your english is shit because u dont type with capitals when its needed
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