Need PHP Scripter

Hei CF

i search someone who have a good knowledge of PHP for script something for our community ...

pm me pls
More of a description, might be able to help..
We have a user interface for a GTA SA-MP gameserver, it works with MySQL and PHP, we want to add some features there.
I can do some, depends what it is
We have a user interface for a GTA SA-MP gameserver, it works with MySQL and PHP, we want to add some features there.
sure, for some dollars
loekino doing php stuff? :P unexpected!
nah i just wanna earn dollars
20 euros/hour

i'm slow
I might be interested helping you guys out, give me a PM with the stuff you would need help with.

- I currently got few project atm (mmporg games panels and such PHP,java,sql,css).

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