Fallout 3/ New Vegas

is it worthy to play this game????????????? i played it once liek half a year ago didn't like because it was so confusing and shitloads of stuff to do, but hey

your opinion?!! dear sir?

image: Fallout3-2008-11-09-03-06-45-11
i didnt like it
its pretty nice, give it a try
"Fallout 3/ New Vegas"
2 stand-alone games

but fallout 3 is deffinitely worth it, especially if you want to play a 'bad' person.

new vegas...well.... i find it a bit boring because it seems to be instanced. also it seems to me, that you do not really have much to do as a 'bad' person, i tried to join the powder gangers which seemingly only has one outpost - every other gang still attacks you - so no quests at all.

didn't get any quest by the legion so far though, but the travelling is the pain in the ***
was better in fallout 3 where you have a shitload of outposts
I'm always the good guy ^^
so its better to be a bad guy in F3 ? why:D

im a great guy :)
Lol, every argument you just made proved how idiot and unperceptive you are.

- Its a lot easier to play the bad person, hell, to be honest its impossible to be 100% good guy in terms of how the game ends.
- Every faction has lot of outposts, even the niggers and spics you call Powdergangers
- Fallout 3 is horrible without modding, quests, weapons, locations, everything, its just a rehash with a good game's name. New Vegas manages sometimes to make really good atmosphere, lots of locations, dialogue is better, more interesting companions and other NPC's. There is also more voiceactors (Fallout 3 had 4 different voiceactors, enjoy all your ghouls speaking like that one guy from Simpsons lol)
- Travelling is fucking fun, why are you even playing the game if you dont enjoy it?! Even Fallout 3 you are praising had travelling. Seriously what the fuck?

I still like Fallout 2 the most
you are cruel

so fallout3 worth the time joo?
I played the main quest and then took half years break and played sidequests which I was disappointed in.

New Vegas on the other hand has really good quests. Of course there are some "sorry your objective is in another castle" -stuff and "take this item to location B and come back here to get more items to bring somewhere blabla" but mostly the quests were really interesting.

Imo just play Fallout NV straight away, it doesnt have so many references to F3 (thank god) so it doesnt harm the enjoyment.
you're harsh on F3
this game is what made me a fallout fan and blew my mind directly, i don't think there are games with so much unique experience in one game
the game was amazing, new vegas goes into a different route, but FO3 doesn;t fall from that
Yeah it gained Fallout-series hundreds of thousands new fans but old fans were kinda disappoint..
can't satisfy every faction
there were also deeper quests in fallout 3 (playing through the game and do sidequests is imo the worst thing you can do, at least i do all the quests i can find on my travel)

QuoteYeah it gained Fallout-series hundreds of thousands new fans but old fans were kinda disappoint..
Yes, got them lots and lots of new fans, and tbh, not all 'old' fans were disappointed, know quite alot which played fallout 1&2 and tactics and still liked fallout 3 aswell(yes i do infact aswell, actually, it's just how you state it - i bloody enjoyed it very much...)
Actually I also played it through as a 'good' guy and yes - also ended the game as one, didn't get a major kharma drop in the end.
Couldn't care less about companions, always sneaked.
But in fallout 3 you didn't have to run for hours to get somewhere, everything was more or less easy to reach.

The reason why i enjoy playing the bad guy is very simple - you can steal everything you want or need, find it sometimes a bit hard to deny a quest because of that, because of my nature^^

I know that the powdergangers also have outposts, but for example the first outpost - they simply give you some simple tasks i finished and they didn't send me somewhere bigger or anything - i didn't even got any advantage by doing so (PS: that faction armor system is sooooo retarded, ncr armor is twice as good as the powder gangers armor is, and yet i 'can' not use it)

(and yes, i had the official dlc's, which added alot to the fun, i give you that. not to mention that the graphics of NV are a joke considering the time they had since the release of F3)
awesome game, got me hooked!
Yea theres endless stuff to do which can get a bit confusing/irritating... while doing one quest you'll trigger 2 or 3 side quests. Its fun though, a good time eater. Only bad thing is the bugs, sometimes you'll randomly not be able to finish a quest/loot a body/go through a door, that and it crashed for me every hour or so.
Only bad things? What about those random landmine encounters which occur even as soon as leaving the starting point to nipton and then to novac. It's a cruel-twisted mind which puts landmines in the starting zone. Even more annoying than invisible blocks in mario. I think I managed to trip every possible landmine so far :(
ive only engaged with like 4 in game lol, there are a few near novac indeed close to the repconn test site, but there are also in the city below primm (in the area with a lot of power gangers crossified) there's houses with lots of landmines so watch out :o
I've never had a random landmine encounter, is that in hardcore mode or something? :o
maybe that wacky (?) wasteland trait? :S
I got that one, never really did much though.
couldnt be bothered using any traits...doesnt add shit to the game :(
hardcore mode does not do that, if you play fallout vegas then you should play on hardcore though because it adds just so much more than just running around smashing everything easy as pie.

I do not use the wild wasteland trait but I know it changes quite alot and is not something recommended for first run.
it's still running around and easily smashing everything (on your level - or a little bit higher) besides throwing in some pills and food - just do what you're used to do - aim for the head^^
I've only noticed a few movie and old fallout references, it does not make the game any harder.
Hardcore means it will be more kanon/realistic, the word have nothing to do with any kind of enhanced difficulty level.
Nah, I was talking about the Wild Wasteland perk. Hardcore mode is just like playing with -1 PER just because you're dehydrated 24/7.
Yeh it was Hardcore. First play through I was going to play normal mode because all it seems to add is annoying stuff like having to drink and other gay shit.

But Baggiez and Aza started calling me a pussy so I was peer pressured into playing hardcore mode. Dunno if landmines are exclusive to hardcore mode though.
Hardcore mode is easy anyway, nerd.
gonna start playin when the the first snow comes :)
I laik.
New Vegas is a bit more expanded, specially some add-ons if you play Hard mode such as dehydration, play on easy and nobody cares about water :-)
but I think fallout 3 has more funny convo's and happenings...like random shit!
best rpg's but you won't like the system there
you are more of an one road full of action with no brain (wolverine, cods, moh)

update on me:
lvl 21, a paragon (:o), 34 hours in game so far, only talked to yes man, didn;t continue further, just exploring every motherfucker pixel avi in this game
using sniper rifle, ratslayer, this machine and cowboy repeater as main weapons
got LMG, MG, HI, annabelle etc on brotherhood storage <3
using Ed-E and Cass
Quoteyou are more of an one road full of action with no brain (wolverine, cods, moh)

yes true, but i dont have anything to do except playing QL/HoN and in the mean time everyone saying fallout is godlike, and that slow-mo killing thingie is fun, thing what i did NOT enjoy that i couldn't use the "slowmo killing" because i did not know you could do that:D without it its almost impossible to kill something because of shit hitboxes iirc

but hey, a try is a try :O)

image: Shotgun-latrun-exhibition-1

[e] oh and btw, i havent played a single "starcraft type game what ever u call it RPGSDASHDSH" since like playstation 1 red alert in 90s, and i played starcraft 2 SP and i really liked it and surprisingly i finished it (which i rarely do in new games)

so mby FO3 will be pwnage aswell
i would try F3 first, as still the atmosphere in the game is a bit above new vegas (plus the starting system that lets you get used to the game is better, new vegas just ditchs you into the world and you can be frustrated)
you will enjoy the graphics so it's a huge boost
just make sure to read carefully and learn everything easly
and of course give it a lot of times, i was about to uninstall fallout3 just before i felt in love ( i also loved playing one road games)
use this http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Killing_Motor-Runner a lot for a starter
why not use boone? after he upgrades he's damn near impossible to kill and practically only gets headshots, specially with ED-E
both perks add up perfectly! rather use Lily than Cass tbh :x
i used veronica but she got bugged out
i love cassy, she is cute and funny (shh, we're hunting shitheads :D)
the game is a bit easy as well as i have the best weapons in the game, and cass having hunter shotgun she pretty much rips everything...so i don't care really :O
wuts Lily and Cass
New vegas is marginally better than FO3, but better none the less
New Vegas is a lot better than F3 imo. Tho the game still has about a milion bugs and imbalances (100XP for a legendary deathclaw? lol fu).

And i miss screwing around by playing a retard like you could in F1/F2:

You should head over to http://newvegasnexus.com/ for some nice mods (level cap remove, better headshots, better pipboy light, AP powered bullet time and sprint, better ingame interfaces, removed invisible walls....) and community fixes (performance fix among others!) for the game.
finished dragon age yesterday :P gonna finish the expansion pack and then im starting f new vegas :D fallout 3 was epic, is it possible to import saves from fallout 3 to new vegas, any1 knows :P?
different game
meh, thought its some kind of continuation and i can export fallout 3 char, like from mass effect 1 -> 2 ;p
you can get your playermodel, but nothing else.
If you did not like fallout 3 then it is not for you, although if you just disliked certain aspects of the fallout 3 gameplay but loved some of the previous fallout games then you might like it.
when comes the new nfs out ?
18-19 november
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