StarcraftII Open Challenge

Anyone fancy a custom game?

Don't care how good you are
shit game <:
who would want to play against you
Function: Member. Sinse when?
pm me your name and code and we could do some.
nha, my micro and force fields suck to much so far, mainly my micro
how can someone fail with forcefields.. they are so op.
nothing is op, you just need to know how to counter it, and i just wna be as good as huk with my forcefields, for a bronze player im pretty good with them
there is no fucking counter to forcefields, except ultralisks and those are t3 and takes ages for a zerg to get.... You don't know this game at all do you ?
watched latest mlg? tlo did some nice burrowing e.g.
loljk, it's me - OBSERVER which 90% of the protoss fags get.
then use scouting, just scout, go for air units, detection units, long range, attack from two sides, i dont know. you can counter everything
you can't count observer in an early game, and noone ever gets Hydras anyways since they are such a worthless piece of shit... Mutalisks are the terror of the skies but... stalkers are good against them and i doubt you're going to targetfire 1 stupid observer in a fight or something.
if i'd go for burrow against the forcefields i would yes. just scout, counter what ure oppo is doing than nothing is op.
You just don't understand because you play protoss.
ah you're out of arguments
Maybe just use that gas to something useful and beat your opponent while he is building observer. Just look at recent husky replays how huk got owned by some terran player because he did observer instead of immortal.
huk is a legend MOTHERSHIP RUSH
im not a terran, i am zerg.
Forcefields are not 'overpowered'.
But you're no match for me.
Nice burn Hkrep.
Play WoW with us nerds when Cata comes out?
You've no clue how much I want to. I have entered my creditcard details like 3 times now, but I keep not doing it. I realise that i've wasted enough time on WoW :D I would just start raiding 5 days a week again.
We're pretty chilled tbh, just one main run per week and maybe a few alt runs. Plus in cata you can only do either 10/25 man per week so no need to grind every raid 10/25 on every character.

Plus if you're not playing WoW you will just be playing some other nerd game like SC2 instead.
I don't play SC2! I just watch it :( Also taking motorcycle lessons and tinkering on my old 440 LTD. I also have lost quite some weight and still going strong! All because of not playing WoW. I still don't care about my studies though, eventhough I really really should!

That's my life.
Well, think about it anyway!
any tips for protoss? :D
Fuck micro. Keep those warpgates on cooldown first.
what do you mean x]
I assume he means keep pumping out units rather than focus on micro.
thought so, but that aint really a tip but more a common thing.
Quotenha, my micro and force fields suck to much so far, mainly my micro

Apparantly not for you!
why? was just pointing things out i should work on. didnt say anything about macro :)
If your macro would be decent you wouldn't be in bronze.

I just do it in cycles, check production, check minimap, check battles. Micro doesn't matter at all in anything below diamond. Ofcourse when you're fighting with your colossi, i'd try to keep them alive and snipe any corruptors/vikings with mah stalkers. But that's all matchup/strategy specific.
well im in bronze cuz i didnt play any rts before. so i started loosing the first 30matches cuz i had no idea what im doing. cuz of that now everytime i win i get like 4points, and when i loose, i loose like 20 points :D so i barely gain a rank. got my ratio up to 50/40 now or i think :)
That makes no sense, If you're terrible at RTS at first, you'd be placed low and lose alot(like you said) But you would get way more points for winning.
yea but i dont, its very very annoying. mailed blizzard about, but they do nothing
If SC2 is anything like Broodwar my tip to protoss would be play Terran instead.
But the protoss lategame rapes T so hard :(
pm me your id and code and lets play.
oh i usually find the early game vs terran easier
seriously? o.O protoss was renouned for being easy mode in bw especially at D and sometimes even C level, "1a2a3a gg" except during that season with the T overpowered maps

sc2 atleast in beta was ridiculously terran biased though
Are you aware of the fact that Protoss was always favored in PvT?
Even on commonly played terran biased maps?
I genuinely quit starcraft due to getting absolutely rolled by siege tanks (obviously I was a scrub).
Well on a noob level Protoss is even more imba because Terran race only shines when you have high APM. At pro level Protoss is slightly favored vs Terran throughout the decade of progaming in SouthKorea. It's like 51% vs 49% P>T looking at all matches played.
Most of the time I was playing people a who were a lot better than me so that probably didn't help.
He's right. 95% of fights (before you get to high diamond) are decided on unit numbers. Then to a lesser extent, positioning and what your army consists of.

Micro is something only executed properly by the top players. I'm 1500 diamond and my in-fight micro is really awful.

Look at your games and ask yourself if you lost 'the fight' because you controlled your units badly or if he had a lot more 'stuff' than you.
well thats true, but i was just saying wich things id like to improve so far. but ure right yea.
I'd still crush you! I always found PvP easy.

Nice though, I remember you being much lower some time ago!
image: 185785-1

But my Bonuspool is around 300 meanwhile, cause of my "finger problems"... should be at around 1700/1800 points i guess :/
Nice, although it's so hard to judge since rank/points mean jack shit.
yeah, and as you can see from my winratio, i am not that good tbh :D
ure still in diamond x]
The system matches you with people so you average out to ~50%
i fancy a lot of things!
Like men.

yes thats right and i also fancy tea!
still can't use 2 fingers of my left hand... so i still cannot play SC2 :(
yeah, but i even suck with 5 fingers, so how should i play with only 3 ? :D
Just got moved up to silver in 2v2 :) was awesome but my 1v1 sucks. Just changed from terran to zerg so hope I can win a few like this
<-- zerg skiller

character code: 328
I'm too good for u ..
Just look at these stats,
I mean, cmon :>
Just changed from Zerg to OPtoss :DD
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