call of duty7

Call of duty Black ops tommorow,
someone gonna buy it?

e: want some information about the game itself !!
My mate just got his through the post and started boasting about how he is the first one to be able to play it... then Steam happend :DDDD

image: 25yzq7r

Biblical fail is epic
Imo you're not in Japan.
Are you implying you can't nolife in Japan?
I think he is talking about time zones.
16:49 CET would be 00:45 local time in Tokyo, so I didn't figure that would be the point of his comment.
No, his troll skills are getting worse by the day
soon on TL
care...been playing NV for 34 hours now and i still have tons to do, keeps me quiet
tomorow its my bday imma get that game.
Aren't you too young to play it?
So no cod for you then.
you mad , because of your parents didnt let you play games like (cod)?
Quite a reply. And even false. Internet is not only about flaming.
i get hoes for my bday, you get games.
1game , i asked for it. I need something other stuff than games imo.
release party in amsterdam starting in 3 hours. not going.
24h-1h special opening hours in stores. not going.

i finished SP (ohoh wareZZZ!) and i just cba to buy it until i hear some feedback and there is a competition mod.
SP was nice?
yeah but i also enjoyed the previous SPs and even the MoH SP.
so im not rly hard to please as long as it got all the usual action and some nice scripted things and all the amercian jargon going on im fine
gonna sleep infront of the store
im gonna sleep infort of the post office
they dont deliver to the door ?
What do you think about the game?
It fails ->CoD4/CoD5 (Mw2Shit) Its good-> Sensation nerd 24/7 ownagez.
And in English, please.
if the game is not good and doesn't fall for his expectations , he will continue to play call of duty 4 and or call of duty 5, if it is good, then he will be a sensation nerd and will play the game in an ownage way for 24 hours over 7 days
dunno, gonna play it with friends and if itsucks we go back to mw2
its getting bored lately, owning too hard and then go noobtube
dude its a pub only game.
you should have gotten bored like a year ago.
Preordered for ps3 :D I prefer the PC but most of my mates play on the ps3 so I don't mind.
Preordered, will play tommorow :) CoD is the only game I would buy
haha top, ist met dedicated server, en zonder steam? :o
dedicated met steam volgens mij
haha, steam is niet zo heel erg, gelukkig is het met dedicated server, het is al beter dan MW2! :DDDD denk je dat competition [ CB/ ESL] goed word? :O
Ik heb mw2 nooit gekocht vanwege de dedicated servers, tgaat mij niet om de competitie, tis meer voor pub en de lol
kheb mw2 wel, maar na een tijdje gaat die pub wel vervelen, en zal de fun ervan af gaan daarom zou ik ook wel wat competitie moeten zijn of niet? :P
kspeel nu nog steeds regelmatig cod4 pub, bevalt me goed, zal met deze ook wel geen probleem zijn
haha tis wat je zelf wilt, ik hou meer van competitie dan van pub, dus ik weet niet of het waard is om hem te kopen :P
Ik hou ook meer van competitie, maar niet in dit spel, de CoD community zuigt
tjaa, ieder zijn eigen mening :P
will it be with steam?
what a ridiculous game, i am 100% sure it will be exactly the same as every other cod game, and idiots are paying loads for it

Played it already, sucks donkeyballs.
cod4 > cod mw2 , BO
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