Cheater Denouncing

Can anyone explain to me this halfhearted cheaterbranding?
Whats the difference between some random public cheater and sup3r, lio or perfo ?
Why no /!\ for everyone ?
Because they are cool. ;)
cause they have friends in the right places :D
They served their ban afaik.
Because all of them are from the Benelux.
only people currently serving a suspension are tagged, people who served their ban/are not banned don't get tagged.

once a cheating ban expires, the tag expires too.
Yeah I guess if the tags were permanent the whole site would be covered in triangles.
ye, 46% of ET players have been banned atleast once on ClanBase.
Funny, cause you are so sure i'm a cheater

But i'm still that 56%, when are u going to ban me on clanbase or u dont got enough proof?
54% *

Nerd can't count trolololol
I'm surprised you can :)

check mijn moslimjournal
Mate i'm not asking about that.

I'm asking you, when are you going to ban me on clanbase if you are so sure i'm a cheater?
cheat again and i'll ban you :)
Tbh, I only cheatted in 2006.

Fusenlist is still shit lol :D
who the fuck are you?
multiaccounts included?
Thanks mr anti cheat that plays with cheaters.
im pretty sure i have never played with you fAMOUSjUH
Lol, you know it's kinda lame to say we never played together but we played enough wars.

But hey I dont mind, even on slac I pwn you with my luger
Funny, cause you are so sure i'm a cheater

But i'm still that 54%, when are u going to ban me on clanbase or u dont got enough proof?
still can't count ...
Why do you ban some cheaters for eternity? Because they've got multibusted or what? Then why don't you ban vila for eternity since he's got caught twice and in my opinion doesn't deserve a third chance to play on a decent level...
there was no proof to ban vila during the first time, it was only an interview/newposts where they just admitted it
if thats the case why are there more than 40 cheater bans with Cheating expiration date "Eternity"
because they got banned more than 3 times and/or returned with multiple accounts.
Whats the difference between 2 times busted and 3 times busted ?
In every sport, if u get caught once doping, u get a ban for at least 2 years, everyone knows after those 2 years that u cheated. Then a next cheating atempt ends in lifetime ban.
Why is ET the only esports game where we ban them after 3 times cheating and we dont even know most of them after several months/years.
first time cheating = 6month ban (if its public)
second time cheating = 12 month ban
third time cheating = permanent

first time cheating in offi/cup = 12month ban
second time cheating = permanent

ET is a free game and sadly nobody is going to wait 2 years to play again :(
Think about it, 2 years ban what a deterrence that would be :)
false, mutu got busted with coke twice and he can still play..
wasnt coke 2. time, some minor doping medication which has no really positive effect, thats why he just got suspended for 8 months or so
same thing really. like first using external xhair and a cheat not being a ban. cheat's a cheat.
I won't be tagged!
CF TAG : This user is tagged until 24 Nov 11 for cheating in a clan match.

CB BAN : Suspended from playing until 16-01-2011 10:41:31

normal ?
no, should be
This user is tagged until eternity for cheating in a clan match.
Because cheating while "known" is cool.
everything things to be in order.
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