cod:bo -.-

k just came back from the store where i bought cod:bo.
im installing it right now...
but guess what?

ITS WITH STEAM! so game is shit already -.-

You been playing all night ? : D
Nothing wrong with Steam.
oh yea, steam is so great. it was so nice to play mw2 when steam servers done some shit and u wasnt able to play \o/
I've never had an issue with it.
Well - how often is that? ... Steam is by far the best way of distributing games
to be fair, it is shit
I've never had an issue with it.
i have; it made TF2 unplayable even though my pc is absoloutely fine. and i tried to install FM through it once, which was the worst decision i have ever made - took like 5 hours to download then said it hadnt downloaded correctly.

its like Facebook - popular, because everyone uses it etc, but very very badly made
Hardly any of my gaming friends use Steam, so I wouldn't say it's popular. It's just really easy to use. Not sure why you've had those problems, you've just been unlucky. But if you're basing your complaint on those 2 points, then saying it's shit is a bit of an exageration :P
yeahhh i know its fairly irrational, but its also made every game i have played on it lag a lot too :<

its all about first impressions, isnt it? :P
When it comes to software and games, I don't think that applies since they constantly get updated. A first impression never lasts on a game, at least not with me.
hmmm i think the problem with steam was that i only used it every so often, and therefore never got past the first impression stage where it is shit

for instance, first time i played fifa i thought it was crap, but now i like it because i play it a lot with the guys in my flat, whereas if i only played it once a month or so, i would still be stuck in the 'fifa is shit' mindframe
shit game anyway
I think Steam's fine, except for games where it forces you to use some of the default files which basically disallows you to use texture packs and such (for instance TES III: Morrowind). Any discomfort experienced like illustrated above is usually only temporary anyway.
Quotei bought cod:bo
what porn is that from :D
dunno lol, just googled :D
Parent g5 black ops public server live playaaaa
so u said steam isnt shit?

played cod7 for a few hours. tooked a break, restarted the comp in that time. now i wanted to play again and now? steam said "preloading done, game will be playable @ release day" oh yay!
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