f4uxx avi

hello cf,

i'm looking for a low/+ clan (or new project) 3o3, 2o2, 5o5, anything is fine with me. i will have pc already to go tomorrow for you euros


- Avi almost everyday @ 15:00-17:00 or later
- Low+ (haven't played in a while)
- Will have Ts3/Vent or w/e you have
- Not a cheater
- serious in game, otherwise a cool dood
- from but timewise and ping don't matter to me
- don't complain unless i'm pmsing that day
- speaking fluent english
- 16 y/o


- Have Ts3/Vent or w/e
- No cheaters
- be low/+ or better cause i will need to get back to my regular med-/med ;)
- don't be whiner/douchebag
- have server/getting one
- avi most of the week (4 days minimum)
- motivated to get into ladders, leagues, etc..

xfire: 1shadow99


/flame on
thx piegie!
post in forum bro!
forums !
ryan post in the forums :DDD
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