LAME: Push>Trickshots

Dear community/ET-commitee/w/e,

since you decided to remove the cg_crosshairx/crosshairy settings configwise ,I'd sincerly ask you to remove that GODDAMN FUCKING ANNOYING PUSHSCRIPT aswell.
Because it pisses me more off to get pushed around on supply stairs by some freaking nerd than getting killed by a riflenade coming out of nowhere.

YES,I DO know that you can still shoot trickrifles,but its way more annyoing to find fix points to aim on

YES,I DO know that it's part of their config which cannot be influenced by the server cfg easily,but then disallow shove at all

YES,I AM mad,therefore no randomchick.

image: fuuu
i thought it isn't allowed :o

brb changing my config
lol, I always tap F when in a situation like that

Hope I get to piss you off one day!
i always thought pushscripts are retarded as shit
they dont exist, just stupid brainless people think there are scripts for it :P
/q dTEC7 for push script
Hey, u mad bro?

I dont know what the fuck even is pushscript? as far I know i can make script which work only with pistol. so can someone give me script which would work with smg?:D coz i dont see that possible... Just hitting ur F button or what ever is ur activate button.
add push to some more buttons, for example a - s - d
works only still only once when u push it. useless crap
Great for special delivery corner camping etc :P
i love you and your brain, but your voice scares me

played once with him at ventrilo and i thought im talking to lordi
Lordi is nothing compared to FinlandKaltsu
Push script is retarded indeed. Good to see that most players don't resort to silly things like a push script.
top rifles might not do that,however in the med and low matches it happens regulary.

However I totally agree with you,a serverside cvar which only allows to shove your teammates would do it.
/q maza for push script
I am always accused for using push-script 8DDD Is that so fucking hard to press "F" a couple of times when an opponent is close to you? 8DD
Haha idiot Haha 8DD
Hard? No.

Unskilled? Very much so.
Yeah let's call unskilled. You know what, let's call panzer, rifle and landmines unskilled too. Maybe we could get some more.
je werd zowaar ge-out-brained, screenshot taken
i'd call rifle unskilled, but that's just me :D
Being a good rifle requires skills imo, it's idd anoying when his shots hit/kill you but I respect great(and I really mean great) rifles. :P
im not a fan of pushscripts nor pushing and i have never used both while shooting at someone.
but why is it unskilled? it takes more skill to aim and meanwhile focus the movement + pushing on your keyboard and that's all to make the opponent miss with his/her shots.
it's like saying that strafing or moving overall while shooting is unskilled, makes no sense.
Getting into a favourable position only to be pushed down the staircase/down a platform, ladder resulting in massive spread and giving the (previously) unsuspecting opponent a HUGE advantage is something that should be removed.

I consider it unskilled, some people consider it outgaming the opponent. Whatever floats your boat really.
so getting into a fabourable position only to leave and chase your opponent when he moves resulting in massive spread and giving the opponent a HUGE advantage when he gets to camp is something that should be removed too? it just makes no sense, what you are saying is basicly that you shouldn't push someone in a fight just because the one being pushed might fall down a ladder or something similar? if you are getting pushed down from somewhere you obviously didn't choose a favourable position cause you got pushed out. favourable position would of been the one from which to push from? so your opponent was more skilled and he might have had the advantage but you will have the same advantage while defending and if you fail to use the advantage while defending, it means in that area your opponent was more skilled.
so the argument of pushing being unskilled is nothing but bullshit. nothing personal, i just don't like people who can't handle a certain aspect of the game and instantly call using it unskilled just because they can't manage.

i don't approve of pushscripts btw.
I can handle it lol, I've played lots of players using it and beat them. That's not the problem. I just think it's something that should be restricted to teams only (b_shove_teamsonly or something like that). It's been suggested in the past for the exact same reasons and I don't know why it hasn't been pushed (lol) through. :)
you like penis and you cannot deny this because you just said you wont.

So moral of the story is;

You like dick.
A position where you can be shoved down and forced into an unfavourable position is not a favourable position. Being "unsuspecting" of something that you should suspect is no justification, it's simply lack of skill.
Valid argument,but let's take the stairs on sd f.e..
I am aware that the rifle might push me down,but what exactly am I supposed to do?
Yeah I can push aswell (won't do that,coz well mentioned it above) or I can kill him.Chances of killing him in close combat before he pushes me are very low,coz tracking in close combat is harder + he doesn't need to track at all,he just hits either mouse1 (scroll down to see an easy example for a rifle pushscript) or F/or w/e he binded it.
If that is a situation you cannot win, you should avoid the situation beforehand. Not doing so is simply due to lack of skill on your part.
Feeble argument imo.You simply can not avoid certain situations,not even highskilled players can read a game that good.
Still you got a point!
But here's the clue imo: Why did they disallow they config x-y-position-changing?
To complicate rifleshots (the original intention was to even stop them).
But isn't also a lack of skill if you get riflenaded by those trickshots?
About 90% of them are based on spawntime/timing.So you can simply avoid them by just waiting 1 sec in your spawn or going another way (you know there are plenty of well known shots).
You cannot tell me that it's not forbidden because "it's the lack of my skill" to get a disadvantage by shoving,because it's simply the same with trickshots.

It's all about awareness and gamesense (which is part of "skill").Though they reacted on trickshots but not on shoving.That's whole point of my journal:Why did they react against trickshots but not on the other lame things which are still left,shoving is only one named.
i always just press F in close combat

multipressing bro
pushing during shooting is the worst shit ever.
i only use "pushing" to annoy my mates after respawn
haha, some ppl just press F when someone is to close u know :>>
and a push script isnt even allowed ^^
I always push when i got a riflenade on and some1 is to close :)
prone > push
this is skill whoever whatever say
How do you know where to aim when there is no moon? D:
check the lines of his xhair?-.-
What crosshair? oioioi
wies kein pushscript gibt... biste behindert? F würde auch dir helfen
bind mouse1 "+attack ; +activate"

ololololol,wies kein script gibt olololol
außerdem hab ich net gesagt,dass ich das will,sondern dass es behindert is.Wie perfo schon sagte cg_teamshove o.Ä. wäre da nützlich.
Dann hat sichs auch mim F bzw w/e drücken.
Ich flambiere nicht,nur dich du hässliche Ausgeburt eines verunglückten Halbleiter-Herd-Versuchs.

Ich beschwere mich nur,dass einerseits das Schießen von Trickjumps erschwert wurde,andererseits so ne lame kacka noch drin is.
Is doch gleich behindert wie die Supplyjumps verbieten (was ja Gott sei dank removed wurde).
Also Freiheit für alle (mein Fadenkreuz) oder Verbote für alle!
ich weiß, dass die lame sind, nur rate mal wer sich das script eben auch gebindet hat :P
aber halt mal ernsthaft, wirst hier leider nix erreichen, weil die leute ehh nicht allzu helle sind (siehe tim z.b.)
btw: protokoll für halbleiter-kochen is fertig :):):)
What's next?
Darfst im nächsten Protokoll Wasser warm machen und die Beobachtung bei 373,15°K protokollieren?

+Das script war nur n einfachs Bsp,kommt vllt bissl scheiße,wenn du dann neben dem Tank stehst und schießen willst xD

+ Komm TS du spast und zwar pronto
Nee, als nächstes kommt die "Härtemessung bei Stählen", is aber wohl der mit abstand einfachste Versuch - zum glück (legst ein stück stahl in ne maschine und die drückt mit nem genormten industriediamant bei konstanter kraft in den stahl und misst dann die entstandene diagonale des diamantenabdrucks, bisschen rechnen später haste dann einen DIN-Vergleichswert für die Härte von Stahl).
btw, bin heute von 19 bis ca. 22uhr avi
Ich hab mittwochs immer noch training. :s
Do abend.
oh lol n3rd, ja morgen bin ich ehh da!
If you can't handle trickshots without these silly cfg tweaks, you shouldn't call yourself a rifle.
QuoteYES,I DO know that you can still shoot trickrifles,but its way more annyoing to find fix points to aim on

Naja,hab vllt doch mehr Zeit in der Schule verbracht als manch anderer :s
Immerhin kann ich jez lesen und schreiben =)
It's a pity that it obviously wasn't enough for your English skills.

Still - you compare infight situations which occur 100s of times during a war with rifle trickshots. Obviously you think that those trick shots are an essential part of rnading that's why you complain so much about the removal of these silly cfg tweaks. If your rifle style depends so much on trickshots (since you're comparing it with ordinary infight situations), you should be able to do those tricks w/o the need of those stupid tweaks. And if you can't or find it too hard and annoying - :'( - to do so you should seriously consider another weapon.

Besides - rifle trick shots are just little gimmicks with no real use and have no impact on whether a rifle is good or bad.
100s of times?

Hm,imo it happens maybe once a war that I get close enough to an enemy to get pushed away (except I'm pushing close to gib or w/e my intense is) so those two (shove&trickshots) things are not essential parts or rifling.Nevertheless they're both annoying aspects and I was wondering why one got removed (or complicated) and the other simply ignored.
It seems that I am not the only person who considers shoving as a thing to remove even if most of the players don't care.Similar thing with the rifleshots,most players didn't care,cause as you mentioned they don't occur very often. So I just complained about the fact that they made the change in the config "because trickshots are annyoing" but didn't consider disallowing shove.

Apart from that: [ger]Gibts einen speziellen Grund,warum du hier anfängst mich und meinen Spielstil zu attackieren?
Mit keinem Wort hab ich erwähnt,dass riflen jez scheiße is oder zu schwer oder was auch immer. Trotzdem machst mich hier von der Seite an.Mich würde deine Motivation hinter einer solchen unprovozierten und doch sehr unflätigen verbalen Attacke interessieren.[/ger]
I for myself get pushed and try to push on many infights on a map. I guess that's part of my rushing-in-style, but the opportunity to push occurs certainly some times during a war and still can't be compared to the rifle trick shots. These are just 2 totally different things.
Scripts should be forbidden in any kind of way - trickshots/trickjumps and pushing. But pushing itself is useful and if made manually, pretty hard to do. No need to disallow a feature of the game, just because nerds are too unskilled and too lazy to do it by themselves.

[GER] Ich find's lächerlich, wenn man sich solcher cfg tweaks bedient - was du scheinbar gemacht hast und dem hinterher trauerst.. Diese Rumeierei hat nichts mit Skill zu tun, dennoch freuen sich die meisten Script-Kiddies wie Bolle über 'nen Kill damit und meinen sie seien die größten Rifleexperten. Ich weiß nicht, ob du auch nur eine solche Möchtegern-Rifle bist, die nur Standard-Trickshots drauf hat, aber dass du diese Tweaks benutzst, ist für mich lächerlich genug, um es mal zu erwähnen.
Unflätig bin ich nicht geworden, oder siehst du hier irgendwelche ausfallenden Begriffe von mir dir bezüglich? Es ist nicht mal eine Attacke, aber da du dich attackiert fühlst, muss ich einen wunden Punkt getroffen haben. [/GER]
QuoteIch find's lächerlich, wenn man sich solcher cfg tweaks bedient - was du scheinbar gemacht hast und dem hinterher trauerst

dass du diese Tweaks benutzst, ist für mich lächerlich genug

Wir reden da wohl aneinander vorbei.Ich hab aber wenig Lust mit dir zu argumentieren,ich fühl mich aus welchen Gründen auch immer nicht verstanden.
Zur verbalen Attacke s. Zitate.Du weißt es nicht,machst aber trotzdem eine Aussage darüber.Kein Kommentar.

Zum Allgeimeinen:Die Trickshots waren ein BEISPIEL für die von der CB erzwungenen Änderungen (supply-jump konnt ich als Beispiel ja schlecht nehmen,wenn er schon wieder da ist. Also ist mir das als erstes eingefallen,da es mich betrifft.
Ich beschwer mich also net über die Trickshots SPEZIELL sondern über erzwungene Änderungen ALLGEMEIN,weil ich der Meinung bin,wenn man wo anfängt muss man das auch für ähnliche Sachen übertragen.

Zu deiner persönlichen Befriedigung: Jap,ich hab solche Shots in einer Config.Aber du kannst ja mal denn1z oder Pascal fragen,ob die die auch für sinnlos halten.Es hat nix mit skill zu tun,da hast Recht,aber manchmal sind sie nützlich,frag die beiden mal.
Aber was "skill" ist,definiert wohl jeder anders.
Ich äußer mich nicht,das hier ist das Internet,da darf jeder ne andere Meinung haben.

Aha - macht Sinn. Du willst also, dass die Ligen sich gefälligst raushalten sollen aus dem, was irgendwelche Nerds exploiten? Wenn man das n bisschen weiterdenkt, merkst du selber, dass das nicht so sinnig ist, oder? Irgendwo muss angefangen werden und wenn eine lame Kacke draußen is, ist das schon mal gut - auch wenn es noch andere lame Sachen gibt. Sich drüber aufzuregen, dass man selber nicht mehr lame sein darf, aber andere schon...naja - find ich nicht gerade sportlich.

Wenn es dir nicht um Trickshots ging, hast du das aber wunderbar versteckt. Im Titel steht Trickshots, in deinem Post geht es nur um Trickshots und Pushing - also irgendwie hab ich doch das Gefühl, dass dir das ganze ans Herz geht. Dass sie nützlich sein können, hab ich nie bezweifelt. Ich hab auch den ein oder anderen in meinem Repertoire und versuch mich öfters an neuen. Dass man dafür aber Scripte benutzt, ist lächerlich. Punkt.

Edit: Deswegen sind alle meine Aussagen, die ich nur vermutet habe, in "if"-Sätzen gehalten. Jetzt weiß ich ja, dass ich damit recht hatte - wo genau ist jetzt dein Argument?
im really sorry that u cant press 3 buttons at a time :<

Hold on,these are like....


I never said that I CAN'T use push,I said it's shit and should be removed.
deal with it and stfu.
cool argument mate
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