Cod: Black opps

Guys i suffer from major FPS lag and i do not like it!

Cod4 i ran easily on 250 fps stable. No wenn i play blackopps i have everything on the lowest performance possible and i get (wenn i stand still 100+ fps) however wenn i start moving shooting i start lagging (fps drops) i dont know if the is the start fase of this game because i here more people about the lag problem but that can also be ping related.

Does someone already has a highfps config for cod: blackopps or can help me with this problem :D

Ye, afaik everyone has it ;) Will prolly be fixed after there will be a promod released :)
So there are more people with the fps lag not ping lag xD ?
Yeh, thats what I meant =) Dont know why people already bought it when there isnt even a promod released :D
black ops like black people?
This pic just can't grow old :DD
i dont think any picture can grow old you retard
sure they can
call of dirty black cocks?
when not wenn
no can do
hi matey! sorry to mention this, but you're just too low h3h3h3
Everyone on Black Ops has FPS drops right now...
they are too stupid to patch at releasedate.
guess they wonna fix the crack enabling people to play online.
for mw2 it took some months for the MP crack to come out but this game appears to be even more fail.
Everyone has the same issues atm mate, just have to wait for the patch. In the meantime. g5 public <3
can i join the server even if im using a deathadder?
You will get banned if you don't know the g5 lifestyle
I have a g5 aswell np :)
g5 isn't about the mouse playaaaaaa, it's the lifestyle
thats one epic movie
Bad move, Tom. Bad move.
using a deathadder?
No, socializing with g5.
I dont even have BO :D Fuck, I wouldnt even join the server if I did ;p I just think Waki is amusing ;o) Been studying the whole day, gief me a break Rico ;<
For a second I thought you were going to, though. :(
I have a test tomorrow too, I feel your pain.
C'mon, you know how I roll :D Have 2 tommorowz, gnna be easy bash I hope :D
Good luck with that, mine's gonna be effin' hard and I can't be bothered to sit down and review anything. :)
Haha, good luck mate! You'll pwn the test!
erm and the right ip is ?
Parent That is the correct IP. If you are trying to /connect it doesn't work yet, just filter servers to TDM and search for g5 in red ;)
cant find it, its not in my list :[
Sometimes need to restart your steam/cod. Everyone had problems finding it at first but we have everyone on it now :p Most crossfire players are on it so keep searching! TDM, lowping and uk server. Noice!
i don't have lag
It's system dependent, the general opinion seems to be that COD:BO has not been CPU optimised. If you've got a decent multi-core CPU you should be OK, if not you're buggered till they release a patch (which apparently Treyach are working on already).

You can try these console commands to possibly improve the situation :-

/r_multiGpu 0
/r_multithreaded_device 1

If you've got 2 GPU's don't use the first command.

If you've only got a single core CPU don't use the 2nd.

It seems the defaults for these cvars are the wrong way round (they've assumed everyone has multiple GPU's and only single core CPU's!). Set them the right way as above and you should be OK providing your CPU has enough grunt to begin with.
Got te same problem, running mw2 on highest settings on max fps, and cant even play this on shit graphics O.o
is it good jackie? :D

should i buy it for some cb 3o3 pwnage?

Dont do it before there will be a promod released
oké, thanks! :)
no prob :) you'll maybe waste 50 euros otherwise :p
i waste so much money, that would just be another 50 wasted :)
better waste it on a good night out :)
offcorse matey farm! lol je loopt al achter er wordt hier gewoon midskilled cod4 dagelijks gepwned :D media markt kopen nu nog 38 eu. er komt promod je kant gewoon weer leanen etc:D word wel nice anders maarten :D aanschaffen rolstoel opladen en melden aan de balie. i expect al cods installed :D
je bent standaard med op cod4 :p
deze cod heeft totaal geen potentie
nog geen promod, dus weetje niet ;]
who gave you permission to talk to me?
You did, after u replied to me
Met wie speel je dan?
spelen cod4 met rixz rezhni en xperia (begint het nu ook te leren) :D
en blackops hebben ik rezhni lunatic heeft hem al gekocht en rixz en de rest gaat hem ook halen :D maar blackops heb ik ook fps lag dus je kan beter even wachten op de fix zal wel weekje of 2 duren maar cod4 heeft ook high skilled pwn nodig noscopjes:d
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