:D How you like my plant?

image: 710eb232acidpicdump43
I like the pink flowers, and the leafs are just something out of a fairy tale!
plant is ok but there's some fat kid next to it
lil fatty , dis some plants . . not the plastic crap u got rite dere .

image: P1020198

image: P1020200

image: P1020232
Enjoy your fucking red triangle.
your grow?
looks like white russian :)
no...you arnt that stupid.....arnt you?
n1 carpet
you look like 12 years old :X
Sow this is how retarded you look like. Bet all of you saiko retards are such nerd looking faggots.

agree, fucking saiko wnb gangster omg
hilarious, ppl on cf is definitely dumbass, its not him u guys are too easy.

u belive whatever they tell u lol.
lol Dude, you're so fat, not cool and you look like a 12 year old rent boy.
12 already :O?!
YeAH THIs iS MEe image: gw_weed REaLd dEAL!!1
sum people here are just so dumb
<insert random flame here>

Age: 21 ( 6 June 1989 )

Stop faking, fat idiot!
alpha as fuck
fuck off 12 year old rent boy
no but I like that wonderfully modern floral pattern behind you
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