Help me! ^1

As a hardcore sci-fi fan (mainly books but movies, games too) I had one of my
biggest favorite game called Freelancer (published by Microsoft). It was a
space-trading, fly simulator game where as the name says you could simply
just freelance and enjoy the big space. So I downloaded a game to my iPhone
called Galaxy On Fire 1-2 and they are simple copies of that game (the second
part is amazing, I would recommend it to everyone who has iPhone or compatible
cellphone) so I had retro-feeling and installed the good, old Freelancer and played
some hours but the graphics is just hurting my eye. Microsoft stopped the
development of the 2nd part so there is no chance to see something like that. But...

Is there any similar game? I couldnt find any with an amazing storyline and
comfortible-space-lancing gameplay. Do you know any title?
Distance to you i will take
2long2read :(
use some points,komma's and white lines, maybe it'll be readable then
go watch starwars
wow fags
maybe the x series?
whats that?
x-files u mong
looks cool, i will give a try for the last episode
well no. there is nothing as good as freelancer <period>
i dont even think it looks bad for the fact that u dont even need a gfx card for it ^^

however you should try X3 2.0
massive game. like EVE but offline.
you will have to spend a couple of days to learn it though...
X3: Terran Conflict

thats what you are talking about right?
never played freelancer so i don't know what you're talking about
but if you want space - obviously fallout
no, space - space not the free place i m talking about lol
erm..mass effect? epic story line, nice gameplay and it's center around space lol
nooo :D i need something now with spaceships, jumpgates, lightspeed and protonblasters :D
ok ive no idea what those are :o i'd still advice you to play mass effect none the less
Silenthero until the day i die.
im gonna take <SS> tattoo on my neck <3
i already have one on my penis!
i have <SilentheroeS> Wolfenstein Enemy Territory clan forever <3 on my penis lol
we need Freelancer 2

first one was such an epic game, one of my all time favouritez
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