MOH anyone?

With all the fanfare surrounding Black Ops I wonder if anyone has bought / is playing Medal of Honor, which was also released recently? I bought MOH a couple of weeks ago, and Black Ops this week, and I honestly think MOH is the better game.

From an ex-ET players perspective MOH offers an Objective game mode where you have to blow something up (or usually 2 or more somethings) and a Combat Mission mode where you have to blow something up to get to the next stage of a map (where you have to do something else to get to the stage after that etc.).

In other words a fairly ET-ish type of gameplay compared to Black Ops which is S&D or TDM mainly.

(there are other modes in MOH, such as Sector Control (similar to BF2) and a TDM mode)

Yes MOH is like most modern games, realistic weapons, ironsights pretty much required to shoot accurately (tho they're smooth and fast), I think the damage model is pretty low but most automatics seem to have a high rate of fire. Firing from the hip is possible at close quarters, but you can't sprint and shoot.

Graphically it pisses all over Black Ops, very very detailed enviroments and atmospheric effects, very good sound quality, and once you set the FOV to a decent value (which you can only do by editing a file) it feels pretty fast and smooth.

Anyone else playing this ?

waiting for mw3 now
single player any good?
every series of codsp is great
Haven't played SP for either, but from what I've read MOH SP is as good as COD:BO SP (some say it's more immersive)
erm, no lol
moh sp is mediocore, just random places where you shot
blackops at least has creativity *and honestly, moh was one hell of a shit game)
+1 ahi, black ops is just full of epicness tbh, best cod SP ever :O nearly completed
the vietnam mission has to be the worst shit ive ever played tho
fully agreed, its indeed shit, gladly its only few missions -.-, tho the cave stuff was fun (or wasnt it in vietnam) when helicopter owange
now finished the second vietnam part (with ur cave things) ye that was pretty awesome with the sneaking and etc, but the vietnam mission before that was horrible
ye the one running down with shitload of japs attacking, just constantly going and going and u can't go down to the check point so i lowered skill level and passed it -.-
took me 10000 deaths but i managed in veteran, i was pissed
played 1st level of black ops sp and already think it's better than the moh sp
my pc is too shit for these, but would try moh
i tried MOH, quite good storyline.didnt try multiplayer
played @ ps3
CoD:BO might be yet another rehash of Cod 4 plus 9000 achievements and unlocks, but at least that was a fairly decent game. MoH on the other hand is one big heap of shit which tries to ride along on the CoD-hype, but fails miserably due to a horrid SP and dito MP.
MoH > cod (i'm playing at MoH atm)
In the beta of MOH there was some sort of stopwatch ( too easy to be true btw ) is it still there in the final version ?
It doesn't work exactly like ET stopwatch mode, as far as I can tell.

In Combat Mission one team attacks and the other defends. There are a series of objectives and at the end of the round the time it took to complete each objective is displayed on screen. The teams then swap sides and again at the end of the round the times are displayed.

However each "half" round runs for the full time (or until all objectives are completed). The 2nd half doesn't end once the time it took the 1st team to complete all objectives has been exceeded like it does in ET.

So you could arrive at a winner by comparing end of round screens, but the game doesn't do it for you.
wouldnt be hard for a mod to add though I expect and Combat Mission is very much like et and I enjoy playing it

i dont think its going to happen on the competitive scene though as its sector control which is used :(

but still if u want a game add 'ethernet' in game ;-)
Yeah it was like that , but was too busy going rambo :p

Have they added recoil yet ?
There's a small amount of recoil I believe, but so little you'll hardly notice.
with the recent patch to the weapon dynamics i think its actually a feasible competetive game.
but as you said cod has been released and tere is/was no competition mod for MoH prior to that. we will see when that comes...
thought you ment Masters of Hardcore, lol
wrote a review on it, think you'll find it usefull

It's pretty long and detailed
I preferred the .org domain btw.
Nice review, pretty much agree witheverything you wrote (except SP cos I've not yet played it).

As for competitive play it seems Sector Control is the prefered game mode, unfortunately, and the lack of a console and / or option to connect by IP is a serious drawback. The game needs a mod, and I know there are a few that work with the game (like the B3 bot), but what they can add in the way of tools for competition I don't know.
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