chill every day

this is how my week also looks like..

How does the week of you guys look like?!?!

Beer in my left hand, a snack in my right hand and a pussy on my dick
Craig David ftw
Why do you feel the need to prove that you live a normal life?. Seems a bit weird.
I don't? You feel appealed because you don't have got a normal life, just a life behind the computer?
Are you trying to make it a competition or something?. Your only 18 im 24 i think ive fucked alot more girls than you have but thats beside the point, why you getting all defensive at me for pointing out your a little bit of a attention seeker thats trying to prove how cool he is to everyone. Just seems weird that you need to do that is what i was saying.
Not trying to be cool, just telling what i prefer to do when i chill!;)
In my opinion you are a 24 year old virgin....? (i fucked 9 girls, how many did you virg?XDDDDD)
look on the bright side of life bro
i've fucked 16 girls and your point is what? trying to make it into a comeptition to prove to everyone that your cool? lol well i win.Anyway you sound like a right cock "Beer in my left hand, a snack in my right hand and a pussy on my dick" keep trying to prove your cool, maybe one day someone will believe you lol.
Quote(i fucked 9 girls, how many did you virg?XDDDDD)

you are virgin, dont lie.
the fact you stayed counting them means you're a virgin
so KB saying we are both virgin, haha look whos talkin'
and stop making new accounts NetherlandsRockefeller/miSk/Magnum/inventx/humliation

this is your main account you have to use:

account de-activated.

(p.s cheater&virgin for life)
Every day is for me a boring day. 7:00 till 15;30 at a office
I'm just a regular, every day, normal guy.

Can't actually believe there's a discussion about who's fucked more girls in this journal. ACTUALLY can't stop laughing.
Well we know it definetly wasnt you hahaha. But anyway he asked me so i answered.
Do you feel better after telling the internet?

There's a high chance that you're right that it wasn't me, btw. Fuck all wrong with that.
He asked me so i answered, i didnt feel the need to randomly tell everyone.Fuck all wrong with that.Yes theres a mega high chance it wasnt you, i just thought i would point that out since you seemed to think you were overly above me for answering a question.
i didn't fuck anything yet :(
An error has occured:
» This account has not yet been activated.
its a bug, you suddenly are logged into a deactivated account. had it several times already :'(
who is this mysterious person?
chilling out massively lately, but i got a new job today so i ahve to work a bit next week
ehh chilling out since im to ghetto for skool so im hustling
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