I've played the new COD a couple of days now, however I get some really bad fps some places in the map. I don't why nor whats wrong.

I was thinking does anyone of you have some sort of really well tweaked highfps giving config laying around?

If so could you mind uploading it? :(
i just owned the whole fucking server with a stats of 65/15 xDDDDDDDD chopper gunner and death machine is a must as killstreak
death machine = kamikaze car? =D
no, you just walk with a machine-gun, the same machine-gun in the choppergunner.
lol nice ^^
Go to config and:

set multiGpu to "0" (unless you have 2 gfx cards)
set multithreaded_device to "1" (unless you have a single core CPU)
actually it seems like it helped me a lil bit.
was the first time over 80 fps. but they are still unstable like hell and get down till 30...
need a patch.just wait until its relased
Steam updated my COD BO muliplayer game not too long ago, maybe they fixed it?
Troll? everyone in cod is waiting for the patch not just you
i want to know what i have to do to get the ninja pro :I there is this betrayer medal which u need 5 times but what to do for one fucking medal ?!?!? :( :(
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