Naruto ...

Getting so freaking annoyed by the massive amount of fillers. Just get on with the story --"

true, but still it's awesome :D
No excitement in the last episodes :(
True fucking that!
Fucking bored of these useless episodes which noone gives a shit about! :(

same goes for manga!

fucking Gaara had a fucking Martin Luther King speach.
had vacaTION and watched one week like 100 parts of one piece :) still not finished
One piece kinda looks gay tbh :(
me likes well i have books here started with them thats why i continue watching
srsly u watch naruto and say one piece looks kinda gay?

one piece >>>> naruto
You gotta agree with me the characters look way more childish / gay than those from Naruto ^^
still One Piece is much better than Naruto
never watched it :) Perhaps I should give it a try.
One Piece episode 474 currently
Naruto Shippuuden episode 185 currently

you would have to watch much : P

the older episodes were fun, but not so well animated
the newer episodes are greatly animated

the plot was and is superb, sometimes funny, sometimes serious, yet interesting
:OO lulz, that much episodes
Naruto Shippuden (Hope I wrote this right) is the second part already, there is a first anime out there, it should also be around 200-300 episodes.

But I've just watched it to the chuunin-trials and I didn't like it.
I've watched all Naruto's tbh :D Imo it really gets exciting when Shippuuden starts, but normal Naruto is also quite addicting imo.
Watched 474 episiodes of One piece and ~104 of Naruto

i really like both of them but One Piece > Naruto somehow.
I never liked Naruto.

The fighting scenes in One Piece were amazing but there's just way too much unnecessary things in between. I remember watching One Piece just being annoyed by the huge ways of dialogue, then FINALLY A BATTLE - oh wait, it's in the next episode.

And in the next episode, it takes just about thirty seconds, and on we go to the dialogue.

Hence lately I've preferred short animes, since they condense the exciting things and leave out the time-fillers - especially since I've finished the Bleach Anime + Manga which is also a shitload of episodes and fillers.
agreed, last 5 eps nothing happened -.-
Naruto blows, go watch Fairy Tail instead.
gotta love lucy :3
Screw Lucy, Erza ftw!
They're all hot :D
plus fucking one mother fucker!!!!!1111
read it ;) its way better
fighting against kangaroo :DD
Idd ... I mean, it's even worse that he has boxing gloves :'(
Plot in Naruto? You better be joking. Even Ika Musume and Panty and Stocking have more plot than Naruto might ever have.
It's almost like you're implying that Ika Musume and PSG aren't up there with K-ON.
Its like you are implying that K-ON and Ika Musume are bad and unentertaining shows.
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