PC problem #13242

I just got some new parts for my computer(power supply, motherboard, cpu, ram) and after installing them all nothing will show up on my monitor. It stays black, all the fans are running, moniter was working just this morning before i replaced the parts. also there isn't a start-up beep when i turn it on.

Intel i7 950
nVidia 9800 GT
OCZ 750w fatality
Corsair DDR3 1600MHz 4GB(2x2)
western digital HDD 500GB

IBM 17" CRT 85hz

ironically i was sick of the problems with my old pc parts so i decided to get new parts and have a working pc :)))))))))))
try throwing water over it, works fine for me.
gpu or mobo, check both with someone's pc
rockstar your pc is poop

e: skyline says you need to check if the video card needs a cable from the power supply and if it does you should put the cable in :DDD
idk go get darren = Þ
skyline: the motherboard has like 6 slots for the ram. have you put the ram in the slots: 2 and 4? idk if its the red ones or black ones but you should try both, if not check the manual for the numbers of the slots.
Memory correctly slotted? Try booting with just one RAM stick in the first memory slot.

Also consult the manual for debugging - some mobos (mine, for instance) have several LEDs on them that help debugging in case of errors.
The ram has to be in the A1 (Blue) slot/slots for this board to boot. found on internet

Also sean, check if you pluged in the cable from the power supply for the CPU (its other cable different than the one for the motherboard, i think it has like 8 pins)
I wouldn't trust a guy from chile
check if screen cable is plugged in the correct slot (in the nVidia 9800 GT)

If its still not working try the onboard gfx slot and install drivers for your graphics card
i don't have onboard :/
:{ you sure you have a plug&play card
Try to reset the bios

Release this shit from ur motherboard, unplug the power shit from ur PC for 5 mins, go watch TV.
image: remove-battery
you can also just swap the jumpers
Naa this way is cooler, now i'm gonna buy some cigarettes see ya soon.
skyline agrees with this sean :D
Either way is fine, taking out the battery is easier tho
try to check the resolution in bios, maybe it got changed. Set it to default and then go back to preffered resolution.
He can't do that if it doesn't boot up
I don't think a new installed system with the default bios will need a bios reset.....

try one memory stick and also try other memory banks ( and do that with each memory stick )
Also see what your motherboard will do without any memory, it should beep.
Try another videocard, like an old PCI card.
Also run without hdds or anything like that only basic stuff, and see if that works.
Check if your motherboard is not making contact with the case, and that you used stand-offs properly.

And it's allways good to use spare parts for testing, or use some hardware from friends. Try to replace all the new parts with others parts if possible to eliminate the problem. Or test your new parts in another computer.
By the way, the slot A1 for the RAM, is the first red slot next to the CPU

i downloaded the manual
Doesn't matter where he put memory in for the system to be able to boot. It only matters for dual or triple channel. And for testing you dont need more than one memory stick anyway. But it's good to test every memory bank a part anyway since one can be broken.
Well, i did a little research, and it does seems to matter for this motherboard in particular
yes you are right, its on some X58 motherboards. But it doesnt make a lot of sense tho. First should be first =)
there are 2 powercables going to the motherboard. 1st there is the big one like 20 pin and also there is a 8pin that has to be connected or else the pc wont boot. forgot that one when i built my new pc.
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