Biitti dings 21

My dear old friend image: 10945_1289213829575_1207098363_889752_631834_n has turned 21 today! Lets all wish him a happy birthday!

One foot in the grave and the other in hell now!

image: happy21stbirthday
DING! thanks man.
Haha! Yessss!! Happy birthday Biitti! :)
I'm so happy to have you as my friend, and I love Lisa soo much, haha! Let's get something to eat, haaaaaaaaugh? (you know I don't drink!)
hb biitti m8<3
hb biittim8 :PP
Happy birthday :)
ding! hb hippiekid
Birthdays are happy events,
Times when dreams come true.
So dream a good dream (and let someone know!),
It just might work for you!

Have a happy celebration
One you’ll always recall,
And be aware on this day of days,
You’re the most special person of all!

Happy birthday you dirty old bastard!!
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