
is fucked... acceleration doesn't get disabled after a reboot - only way it does is through safe mode - but then again every time the windows gets updated it re-enables itself which is quite annoying...

problems started after i updated the win service pack

any ideas how to prevent that?

reinstall, because u are mad
e: im serious
2long and 2stressful !
i stopped using accelfix and use rinput now. no more bs, just use rinput and most mouse issues are fixed. doesnt work with borderlands though :'(
this is why you're having fps/mouselag btw (RInput) you gotta do a CTRL+ALT+DEL and set ET.exe to high priority to fix it, I had it myself, pretty much only happened on grush though.
no, I used rinput before. Never had probs, till I installed that bloody ATI HD5750. I tried running ET without accelfix. The fps lags are still there, insane on grush last spawn. When not using rinput the mouse kept moving trough the fps drops though. With rinput the mouse has these micro moments where it just stops moving while it continuest to collect mouseinput. Then suddenly it jumps a couple of pixels and continues like nothing happened till the next fps drop. Great to reduce spread but not really enjoyable to play :D
ahh, yea, I guess RInput just goes crazy when you're having fps lags either way, your FPS lag is probably caused by smth else than mine was I guess :p

try messing around with the drivers a bit
somebody mentioned ati hotkeypoller to be a problem. Will check it out when i get back from work :) Otherwise I'm going back to my good old GT8600 and will dump the HD5750 into my old dualcore. Already tried shitloads of settings, ATI tray tool gave me a blue screen, might want to try it again.
I had that problem in CS:P

When I saw around 3-4 enemies my mouse started lagging. Disabled Hotkey polelr and it doesn't happen anymore.
Will try right now =p ** crosses fingers **
so also for W7 simply no MarkC thingy and just rinput ?
yeah, the win 7.0 accelfix feels diff from xp accelfix :'(
I seee. Trying to get this bat file to work atm. Let's see if it works properly :-)
i extracted rinput to c:\ri

and manually exec it

START > cmd

cd ri
rinput ET.exe

or you could use a batch file :p
hmm, I don't get the 2 dots :( And how to use SLAC with that then ?
shit, you're on win 7.0 :D

you could replace those cd.. cd.. with just one cd\

its an old dos command used to navigate trough directories. For example if you are in c:\windows and you want to go to c:\ri you do this:

cd ri

if you are in c:\windows\system32 for example you could replace cd.. cd.. with cd\ which will bring you all the way up to c:\
next you can use cd to go to the directory you want to

cd ri

=> c:\ri

now you can execute the exe

rinput ET.exe

well, just use a batch file. plenty of them got posted before.
I get this fag prob again :( So I have these 2 Program Files in C:\ : Program Files & Program Files (x86). So I just did this :

%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Wolfen~1\RInput.exe ET.exe
(also tried with the "C:\" before it :: )


c:\ProgramFiles(x86)\Wolfen~1\RInput.exe ET.exe

But it says it doesn't find the proggies at all ...
cd c:\ProgramFiles(x86)\Wolfen~1

start RInput.exe ET.exe
worked tnx <3
So when I click on the bat file, this bat thingy comes up but says nothing but:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory>

and then slac starts. No clue if RInput even started :D
the biggest reason i do it manually is cause you can see the cmd line verify if the injection worked or not :)
I got it to work :) Like shEv told me, with this cd thingy!
Should fix accel caused by windows and dpi. Also, it uses integers instead of reals to store mousemovent and thus its more accurate / has less rounding errors.
:) Now lemme try to find why my cursor won't move. Perhaps xfire :
try in_restart (vid_restart, net_restart, and theres a couple more. This one should restart the input devices)

only used to have this problem in quakelive though, after ALT+ENTER'ing to the desktop
Just thought of sth. How the hell do I fix accel in QL then ? :D
inject it into firefox :) quakelive doesnt really need it though, it already fixed most of the engine related problems. Well, you need it to kill win accel i guess :)
I c :) Hmm, if I'm right, there's also the possibility to use in_mouse 2 => raw input. And doesn't that equal Rinput ?
yeah, its pretty much the same
Sry suvim8. Cannot answer your question :(
Disable windows automatic updating ;-)
RInput :)
play with acc enabled
what os idiot
install linux
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