Baseracer #target

Any team who are going to play baserace.
or any1 who wanna make a team ?

pmme here or at #target
i can play some baserace today :) :)

Anyone who wanna play a baserace match today? would be nice if i know you, /q
avi i guess
I can play some baserace /q ! :)
I'm avi
Hey NoHead,

I want to wish you good luck in your search for a baserace team :) Im going to a party, so Im not able to play tonight.

I hope you have alot of fun playing baserace!


Hey NoHead,

I want to wish you good luck in your search for a baserace team :) Im going to a party, so Im not able to play tonight.

I hope you have alot of fun playing baserace!


Not going to same party I guess? :S
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