creative people

, hello!
as a student of geography my exercise for the upcoming weeks or months is to write a homework (like 10-20pages i guess) about a subtopic of one of the following topic's from a list + do a speech about it. at the moment i'm unsure which one to pick, because i can't think of enough subtopics, so i ask for your idea's. main topic's are:

- international migration

- irrigated cultivation as an example of agricultural utilasation

- economic effects of tourism

- forms of rock decay

- results of geoarchaeological research
I'm not gonna do your homework :)
- international migration

polaks imigrating to uk, ireland, germany, nl?
+maybe turks in germany or smth

lol doesnt seem to be hard, ppl move to get better job, better life etc.

- economic effects of tourism

country is rich! and ppl get money from tourists (like those taxi drivers in bombay or whatever)

i know i helped
have the same idea @ first one
+ africa to europe, as its an africa-orientated university

2nd thing is content, not a subtopic
Take in consideration what novocaine said. Unless you are certain you can deliver a more detailed and better paper than the other students who picked the same subject.

Picking a subject is the hardest part, but it's something you should learn to do by yourself. And really the people of crossfire can't help you with that.

i'll prolly go for for migration africa-europe or flight/escape (? not sure bout usage of the word in english) emigration out of africa (because of suppression, civil war, etc)..
or rock decay of the grand canyon (however i havent found a reference book yet, so..i'd need one which gives me information bout the topic till tomorrow)
rly hard to find good possible sources by just reading through titles :/
That's why you have to actually open those books/articles before you decide on your subject ;)
not enough time, need to choose my final topic today..
could've done it earlier, but i dont have dsl yet in my new flat, so i waited till i got to my parents' house :s
you sir, have way too much time :[

me jealous cuz you so smart yes
dont take international migration ... prolly many other students will take it as its easy to get informations on the interwebz .. so your prof will be bored after 2 or 3 equal presentations

i would go for results of geoarchaeological research ... you could use a timeline as subtopic
Even if i would want to do your homework, i wouldnt be able because my english isnt that pro for those kinda stuff..
i need subtopics, ill obviously write the paper myself
(and it'll be german btw)
Quote by shad
"I try to hold some hope in my heart
For these African youths
Coming up where I'm from
Many traps to elude
Surrounded by
Mostly white and affluent dudes
And somehow, you expected to have
Mastered this smooth
Swagger and move
With the right walk, the right talk
Fashion and crews
Souls subtly attacked and abused
And what's funny's being black wasn't cool
Where I'm from til suddenly
You started hearing rap in the school
Admist this madness I grew
With knack for amusing through this little skill
For rappin at dudes
An' we all like to laugh at the truth
But when you young and same facts
Pertain to who you rappin em to
Well, I opted not to bring
That to the booth
But after a while, it sort of starts naggin at you
The crazed infatuation with blackness
That trash that gets viewed
And the fact that the tube only showed blacks
Actin the fool and I was watching..."
I think that never fit better:

Cool story, bro.
you always seem so eager to proove your intelligence, stop trolling when it is eventually me to ask for something :<
You actually didn't ask for anything in your journal! Also I can't recall spreading IQ test results here.

edit: oh, you actually did - I just glanced through the journal

I would pick "economic effects of tourism" you could easily fill 20 pages with it. But I don't get what it has to do with your studies. ;o
nonono, thats the main topic, i need an associated subtopic for those listed..
i have some ideas, but not a really convincing one yet
image: cheez_doing_it_wrong

u should post cool story bro pic!
Quote- forms of rock decay

I don't think you'd find a more suiting topic where you could easily fill 10-20 pages and hold a speech about it.

This is the winner for sure.
its too..general.
i need a more specific topic..for example chemical decay or rock decay in a certain region or dno what
teutoburger wald



that hurt :(
-International migration seems most interesting.

migration throughout history (post WWII migration of Asians to America, Arabs to Europe, post Cold War East European migration to West Europe, Former colonies to colonizing countries e.g. Netherlands, France, England, etc.), Cultural influences on those countries being immigrated into (Islamic influences on south Spain(?), Banlieues Parisiennes, etc.), actions against migration (Lampedusa), raw facts

Some points I came up with from the top of my hat.
nice :o
i had the forced re-immigration of germans who lived in czechoslovakia after wwII in mind, as my grandparents were affected, but i didnt think about what to write then, and theres nothing like cultural effects etc
Naja, es gibt immer noch deutsche Minoritäten in Ostpreußen, ebenso wie es immer noch Gruppen von Ungarn in Rumänien gibt etc. Von daher denke ich schon, das immer noch Einflüsse vorhanden sind (wenn man bedenkt, dass es ursprünglich sowieso deutsch war). Wenn du als Unterpunkt Zwangsmigration nehmen willst könnte man eventuell auch über Chinesische Minderheiten reden (bin in dem Thema nicht wirklich bewandert) oder Tschernobyl post '86, Tsunamis in Südostasien, um verschieden Gründe für Zwangsmigration zu beschreiben.
ich denk wenn ich das nehm, würd ich mich eher auf das sudetenland 45-50er jahre oder so beschränken, weil ich da noch nen bezug hätte und ich schon ein paar unterpunkte von andren themen hab, die mich mehr interessieren..tsunamis wärn vll noch ganz interessant, weils nochmal ne geographische oder eher geologische ursache hat
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