new chair! can laugh

its awesome, very nice and everything, BUT I CANNOT LEAN BACK WITH IT HAHAHAHAH XD

me dumb idiot bought crap, kinda didnt realise its the one that has no "lean-back-feature" :DDDDDD

who of you doesnt have a chair to lean back? i dont want to feel lonely :(

i dont miss it now, because finally i have a straight back, but maybe i will miss it :(
I am at university and have to use a piece of shit wooden chair :(
who uses chairs if you can sit on your dog
french or swiss german?
Swiss German, but some French from school ;)

why do you ask?
eifach so :D vo wo bisch?
Thurgau, Bodesee ;) Du? :)
Spielsch i me schwiizer Team?
nah, gits e schwizer team usser team CH?

es het mol paar gäh us dim umfäld, elevate oder so. ha aber nur paar matches mit ihne zockt.
Ha ebe au no nie vo so eim ghört :D Ha in letscher Ziit chli mit eme Kolleg 2on2 zoggt, aber dem chammer jo nöd richtig Clan säge ;) De isch jetzt so oder so i de RS, mir sind so oder so chum no s'zweite aktiv :P
Mer chönd suscht mol es 3on3 oder so mache, hesch xFire?
klar, check pm!

E: sorry falls ichs dir 2 mol gschickt ha haha
i havent a chair that leans...welcome in the club
hm ok, thanks!

its kinda ok, but i wanna go lazy.. :(

you never have that feeling? hahaha
mmh nope, but its just me i guess, i prefer stay with my back straight :p

(stay - straight :DDDD LOLOLOLOL OMFG FUNNY)

LOL! you funny!!!

.....WAIT! "gay" meant "funny" a long time ago..... :OOO

dO_Ob awzum

sir, u iz mastr of trolz but me no get itt sorz homie
My chair is too heavy to lean back. :(
Welcome to the club, bro.
mine doesnt lean, doesnt bother me tho, only when i watch series
on the brightside it's better for your spine
lol :p
mine can't lean back that good .. shitty thing here
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