poker madnessss

(Hand# 131658576) reky89 won $280.89

deposited 50 , got it up to 350 in less than 2 hours then managed to lose it all in one hand.. had a straight as well , what gayness =<

poker for you :p
UGH! frustrating
im playing double or nothing tables :) best way 2 make money mate :p
im grinding like a degenerate at the mi , i was on a really good upswing a few days ago
the rake on those buyins is just retarded for the money you can win tbh :<<
But then again they're so easy to get top5 :D

Thank fuck i quit poker tho, addictive shitttttttt ruined my mood half the time aswell ahhaha
if you have enough play 25dollars and win 50 back :p my mates does it and gets like 300/400 pound a week :p good mate he is buys me drinks a lot :p
this is not sc
went up to 1200, had begun with 50

was a free gift ( from one of those quizzes ), so I didn't care too much about it, played with all my 1200,

lost it all in one hand, had 4xQ, opponent had royal flush, the hand is on one of those finnish pokerforums but I cant find it since I don't speak finnish

yeah , i noticed the rly decent players corner you at the exact moment... : /
to u and ehamo:

learn bankroll management -_-!

Won 15$ on freeroll - won 3$ rebuy tournament for 600$ worked it up to 1100$ - cashed out
Won 5$ on freeroll - got it up to 17$ and still going
yep... =) thats nice btw
I think thats the nicest :P have to work for the money -_-

when I got 50$ from quiz I immediatly spewed it off cuz it wasnt mine really
how is winning 15$ on a freeroll and then entering a 3$ rebuy tourney bankroll management :SSSS
true but it was same day and first time I had any money on online poker acc:PPPP
hehe well when you win money a freeroll it's free money anyway so it's not like you care about it and need to manage that shit :P
Anyway i've always been shit at bankroll management aswell so can't rly say much since i started with 200$ and went shortstacking on 1$/2$ tables hihihi

That is a possible outcome in a game of unlimited texas hold'thems
true but playing poker with your full stack on the line is dumb. Especially with as much as 350$
its only dumb if you have intentions of playing poker seriously, I don't know about reky but I was just having some fun with a free gift, didnt care about the money ( yes I do know 1200 is a lot but I still didnt )
true but imo its really stupid to waste that much money :P U can buy alot of things for that!
cuz of my poker winnings I didn't have to work this holiday for my festivals so its really nice
I've seen more expensive bankroll management lessons, that's just std
didn't you win like 40k and loss it all?

not trolling or shit just wondering if it's true
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