Sensitive subjects in CF?

Which subjects do you think will trigger a gang of nerds and will result into an 200 comments journal with discussion related?

My picks:

God (been discussed over the years in CF, with lot's of dummies and delusional people)
Religion ( Ireckon every discussion related to religion was straight switched to god's existence )
Nutrition (waki and alexl's pure retardation)

ur pick?
- attention whoring, when u try to look super cool, but instead just act like a jerk
I think those journals get so many commens very rarely
after a big islamic event in a western country
did you mean jewish? i don't reckon any islamic discussion in this site
Religious fanatic ?
This topic is totally stupid as it would not only concern the CF Community but all the human beings.
It's completely off-board.
why the fuck would u want a german girl
he loves german girls, rightly.
religion :D
journals by females
gallups like this

and tbh waki and alexl have good knowledge of nutrition
i liked the discussions over new vegas
but you're as stupid as them regarding nutrition, possibly
Well, unlike you, they like to bring up things they have knowledge of, I have never seen you do anything but flaming them. :)
i don't argue on nutrition anymore, nor help anyone who i have no basic information on themselves
i laugh at your naiveness, it's funny these two idiots send informations, while even the science itself don't know for a hundred precents
the tech is not advanced enough

oh and to blow ur they have knowledge - they base everything on wikipedia and their nutritio curse, something i've passed myself, and the entire subjects are based on old and unreliable sources and researches ( a very good example is the myth of eating 6 meals a day will improve metabolism - BULLSHIT)

anyone who even thinks slightly that he knows anything in anatomi is a big stupid idiot ( i don't claim to know anything), this world is too complicated even for a human, especially the simple fact that NOTHING is proved hundred precent

did you know that fat has no real connections to heart diseases? i'm sure they teach you that steak with butter is a heart attack on a plate

fuck im a nerd
I agree with you on many of those things(except that eating 5+ times a day IS a good thing, not because of metabolism but because of steady protein supply), you are too ignorant. :) I dont know anything about anatomy and no, they dont teach such things to us in school.
most likely, the only knowledgable person about nutrition on cf is madscientist.. then again, he knows everything. waki doesn't know shit though.
Quoteand tbh waki and alexl have good knowledge of nutrition

image: carcajada9bj-70bf8a
5v5 or 6v6 discussion.
5on5 vs. 6on6
legit polish players

and generally anything that also lead to discussion in society such as prop 19 or sarrazin
Et girls
hehehe got ur point!
Susan Coffey journal
what is done/what has to be done with et

there used to be or still are regural journals and discussions about it, and maybe things related to mappols (but there is usually a whine only, less discussions)
- rifle legend humM3l
apparently post your shoe journals do well!
god - doesn't exist, /thread
religion is just a huge moneymaking machine, /thread
you need brotein and carbs but also some fat, don't drink alcohol and don't eat crisps, /thread
ignorance :D
nah i'm cool
You understood this journal well :D
.AVI's of cheaters (or maybe clean players?)
krp related journals
obvious bust topics with 2-3 teammates defending their buttbuddy and rest of the world standing against them

KRP-game always results to a journal or two but it only gets 20-50 comments

statements by groupstage / play-off 1st stage worthy EC-players

vila (/ mesqi before him)

scam LANs
-Post your settings-threads
-Sensitive subjects in CF-threads
I'm liking the shoe journals
i like em when i need new ones :o
Those random wanker-journals, posting pics of some e-girls while teasing people for not getting laid every day by supermodels, like most of those wankers are.
i wonder who is actually getting laid by supermodels here :<
me, Anne is a model
- Fake AVI's of a namefaking cheater and sayings its a real clean player and "forget" to get actual proof besides that
5on5 and 6on6-topic obviously
Busts topics and 6o6 topics
Banning idiots like these guys from the CB 3on3 ladder since they're fucking it up entirely.

- French (cheater stereo type 1: check)
- Nonames (cheater stereo type 2: check)
- < 16 years old (cheater stereo type 3: check)
- 5th on the ladder (logical cause)

And i'm definately not the only one who feels like this:
u mad ?? :D:D/d:d:
religion i suppose

e: what i rly dislike is that when someone doesnt share the same opinion as you you label him retarded or braind dead without beeing able to give decent arguments.
when did i do that? there are differences between opinions and facts, where did i call some one stupid due to opinion?
me e.g. with that last religion stuff, while i was beeing neutral and not rly making points at all :D
i didn't even read your replys, i offended you for actually trying to argue about that
i wasnt even arguing :D see so ure calling ppl plaing dummies or idiots, while not even reading what theyre saying :)
so humans are not stupid? it's not like i'm lying
sure there are enough stupids between it. but maybe confirm that before actually calling them like that, and not tjust based of the amount of replies that you see :D
Nice pointing out your own view on all those subjects! We might get very lucky, if someone decides to responds to those claims.. All those three debates in the same journals, would be nothing short of epic!
Most _EPIC_ journal _EVER_.

Would take hours to read through all comments =)) Best schoolday ever! :D
best schoolday is a free day
replies as far as the eye can see
Picture journals :D!
Known player getting busted
Something epic happening in a Grand Final
Death of someone known
et commitee
Anything that some stupid "political correctness warrior", who isn't part of any real minority, takes for "racism". Even if it's sarcastic.

image: NAZI <- This seems to have lost its edge, which is a good thing
cause apart from one german dwarf there's no real follower on xfire i guess ;)
i couldnt be more precise without giving his nick. Please think again :)
i only know two german dwarfs, one is violy and the other is snoop
But there's no real reason to post swastikas either now is there? Apart from provoking? I suppose you don't post swastikas because you're a fan of the ideology connected to it?
The only real reason to post swastikas is that some people tell me that I should not post swastikas. They seem to have realized this and no longer comment, which shows improvement in their thinking.

PS if someone reads my nazi/racist/anti-polak etc comment thinking I'm serious, he deserves to be Zyklon-B'd
Hmm, I get your point and I think most people (not necessarily on Crossfire) respond dramatically and put up their political-correctness shield very quickly, but I don't think it has any use either to post stuff of which you know is very likely to anger or provoke people. I mean, the whole idea of exterminating hundred thousands of people is so ridiculous that it is in some sort of bizarre way almost laughable, but still... Just posting swastikas and making jokes about jews or Polish people for the sake of zeh lulz is not something I see as useful or fun.
Where is he anyways?!
He bacema a know musician or a really known philosopher or something like that, maybe a designer also =)
maybe he's the new Jan-Willem Einstein?
jews and polaks!
People like you trying to look smart and cool when posting one bullshit journal per day and probably checking this site 20/7 commenting on every half decent journal trying to look smart by illustrating their naive and completly biased opinion while actually being proud of themselves.
this one imho
Lol religion, evades me how people can have religious beliefs.
Quotelot's of dummies

where ?
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