ESL admins...

Wtf we already loose match in future???

As said mister it was double forfeit, because we didnt play 1 match which he scheduled on same time while we played our previous match in this league, approved by another admin...
Also protest system had a bug and didn't work especially for this war, so we should guess about this xD
cheaters + slack
karma is a bitch you dirty points stealing pidar!! good for you guys xDDDD
There will be a big difference in future, when im 18 :***
jaN will be unbanned and you will rage everyone? (:
well, we lost against you the same way.

This is because some admin agreed u guys to play against Cartoon, even though it was first decided as a forfeit for u guys.
Even though the forced us (same date, same time) to play against cartoons...

If the admin wouldn't have let you played that game none of this shit would have happened.


[5:41pm] <a2id|blackie>
[5:42pm] <a2id|blackie> what is this?
[5:42pm] <a2id|blackie> why did eoh get a forfeit? pls read my comment below the match and explain how you came to this decision.
[5:43pm] <a2id|blackie> I dont understand why we are getting punished for eoh and cartoons mess. we played our matches on time.
[5:47pm] <a2id|blackie> then I see that u somehow gave a forfeit win to extreme soldiers against eoh
[5:47pm] <a2id|blackie> what is this?
[6:05pm] <ESL|M1st3r>eoh didnt get a forfait
[6:05pm] <ESL|M1st3r> it was double forfait
[6:09pm] <a2id|blackie> why?
[6:10pm] <ESL|M1st3r>
[6:10pm] <a2id|blackie> ESL M1st3r
[6:10pm] <a2id|blackie> #22 | 12.11.10 17:38
[6:10pm] <a2id|blackie> friday evening?!
[6:11pm] <ESL|M1st3r> you wasted a lot of time flaming each other
[6:11pm] <ESL|M1st3r> within that time you could have played at least 10 matches
[6:11pm] <ESL|M1st3r> fuck off
[6:11pm] <a2id|blackie> u are a fuckin retard
[6:11pm] <ESL|M1st3r> thanks
[6:11pm] <a2id|blackie> did you even read my comment on the matchpage?
[6:12pm] <a2id|blackie> we fuckin sat there on thursday ready to play. but you guys decided it was OK to let a forfeited game (eoh vs cartoons) get played
[6:13pm] <a2id|blackie> even though u scheduled us against cartoons at the same time
[6:13pm] <a2id|blackie> and now u are telling me to fuck off? what the hell did I do to u?
[6:14pm] <a2id|blackie> we played all our fuckin matches on time, its not our fucking fault that somehow did a turnaround at the last minute
bad that mister can't understand it, when i tryed to explain it he said that our team will never allowed to play his leagues :DDDDD
Then I guess it's your fault, now we are out of the tourney too.

where is my fault?? We should play next war in our tree only at sunday i didnt know about loser bracket timetable, so if admin allowed them to play why not...
I'm just pointing the finger towards someone.. cuz I cant understand a fuckin thing about this mess.. :D
dont use ESL
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