SLAC <<<

Support for other mods other than ETPro

This is an update to the recent announcement regarding the next major SLAC update. Due to interest from people playing on servers not running ETPro, the next version of SLAC will have ability to also support other popular ET mods. Therefore, if you are a developer of a popular ET mod and would like to have support for it, please send an email to [email protected] in order to establish some cooperation and make things go faster.
Announcement posted on 13 Nov 2010 01:26

Future of SLAC and expansion to other games

Although there's still work left to be done regarding the ET support (bug fixes, improved detection, a linux client), plans and preparations for the future need to be made - SLAC is going to support multiple games.

SPEEDLINK ANTICHEAT is planned to support one or eventually two more popular established games with active community in a couple of months. A game is considered to be established if not many patches for it are expected to be released in the future. Being primarily a competition anticheat, this means interest from league organizers is needed. Therefore, if you are running a popular league or cup and would like to discuss this or just get more information on SLAC and its system/possibilities, please send an email to [email protected] or visit the official IRC channel (#speedlink.anticheat on QuakeNet).
Announcement posted on 13 Nov 2010 01:29

Saving other games from PB?

Baz got my first thought exactly XD
im sure coder who did others mod will mail you :))
hahah so sl wants to challange the esl :D
make SLAC for 2.55
just patch to 2.6b
whats better at this older version of ET ?
no hitsounds, no prone delay and spread, stronger push, all weapons.

Only thing i dont like is u cant remove muzzle flash.
sounds nice ^^
Do nothing before the linux-client is out.
Windows bug fixing is priority right now...linuxclient will come later
so those 5 users are happy?
Actually 7, since our clan can't find wars etc :(
idd, I got linux too, im still noob in it :PpPpPP
but I like it way more than windows :) only sometimes its fucking annoying with the permissions n shit :~>
well if the SLAC client fully detects all ET hax(ofc it wont detect all :P) and so on
i would say its a nice idea to expand it but first and main priority should be ET only after that other games can come
thats our plan anyway :)
big thumbs up for this!
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