Bloodline Champions NOW

anyone is up for some bloodline champions ? i'm grade 7 level 29, add/pm me ingame wonderweiss
nice game =)
im grade 7 lvl 30 jelly? eh? eh?
come paly paly, have got like 30 mins still, want to paly paly
i was actually just trying to make you jealous by having 1 lvl higher then you, but i dont even play the game in fact never heard of it :D
you trolled me hard :D
drah dellort!!!
anima libera...
not funny! its from ff10 :(
never played any ff so i could say it!!!
you take that back mister! its a threat to FF, i suggest as an apology that you get right started with ff7 then ff10 and then ff8 and your life will be 20% more complete before you die
maybe i could start it, but ff7 has got some really really shit graphs, no??
ye it does but of all games that i've played ff7 is my favourite one

the graphics didnt really bother me, at some point you dont even pay attention to it because the game sucks you in, but if you want you have some patches for the characters to make them look better but i suggest you play it like it should be played :D

the story is told sooo good, you just wanna keep going with the game and at the end you wished the game didnt end because it's so good.

it can be a bit boring in the beginning because you dont expect much of the game but trust me really the game is a #1 for me

good enough preview for it? i wrote it myself :D
maybe will try it after i stopped bloodline champions
and i don't have got xbox360/ps3, and has got a shit pc ;D so i can't play with newer games :D
Im called statti in blc
u want play now ?
im gonna sleep now
i'm level 13 grade 3 :DDDD
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