Your Favorite Egg Type

1) Scrumbled Eggs

image: scrambled-eggs-m

2) Omelet

image: %D7%97%D7%91%D7%99%D7%AA%D7%94%201

3) Normal Eggs

image: egg2_b

4) Eye Eggs

image: 507661-5

Pick your style
Never tried, even though I sell eggs etc from our chickens. Maybe I'll try one day :((
you just have to love eggs!

this is proof:
i love that song, was really addicted to it xD
Pic 3 is boiled eggs, not normal.
Pic 4 is fried eggs, not eye eggs. (-.-)

I prefer poached.
O'rite calm down egg expert. Put your book on eggs away love.
I cant sorry, nothings bigger than my heart except my feet... not possible ;O
I guess, its a known fact that people with huge feet love their eggs. Sorry, forgot.
No problem brom8
The last one aint fried eggs. They are fried eggs with an eye. Fried eggs are fried both sides.
1 and 3!

omelet looks nice...but i think i never ate one :( at least i cant remember.

you simply mix the egg and pour it to the pen...cook from 2 sides for two minutes, if you never ate that germany should be nuked really ( no offence )
you forgot milk + toppings
you can add trillions of stuff
i'm talking about tasting the very basic
still gotta add milk or water to make it nice and fluffy though! and cook only from one side
no no, think you misunderstood me, we eat it over here, but i never ate it myself.

seems i am too lazy to prepare such tasty meals. :(
when it's cooked nicely and with some oil it's very tasty
you can add lots of stuff ( usually i mix it with milk and a lot of cheese and cook it) but can also add meat, onions, vegetables etc...
you should just go to the kitchen RIGHT NOW and give it a shot, takes 2 mins
Haha, you just made yourself fried eggs mister. :DD:. Omlett should have milk in it, then you will get yourself a real and good omlett.
have to agree there...3 eggs + milk is the beginning of a fucking nice meal.
couple of sandwiches next to it and it's delicious idd
1) Scrumbled Eggs

2) Omelet
may as well share recipes, though i'm sure they will be shit
who cares about eggs when u have such insane looking meat like on the last pic?
used to eat it a lot when i was little. somehow it isn't really tasty, and honestly too annoying to eat 4 of it :o
scrumbled :D
Scrambled, add cream on them while cooking = sweeet

And some sliced potatoes or bread too. Yummie <3
i usually add tomato, goes delicious
Oh, that too!
Scrumbled all the way.
infertile LOLOL
I like em all!

Usually I'm going for an omelette or rather a frittata even. I find plain egg pretty boring, so I'm pimping it with vegs, herbs and cheese :-)

Even had a mushroom omelette tonight :-d
had scrambled with tomato :o hence the journal
and funny thing, everyone felt to my 'scrumbled eggs' typo xD
omelette...cheese, ham and mushroom..
Love all types but I mostly eat normal or scrumbled
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