internet doesn't work

all riiiiight , listen up folks!
i did a format yesterday because of the fucking irc virus :(
evrything works again except the internet :/
it worked before and it still works on other computers so the router and modem are not the problem.Probably it's some stupid option i have to select but i don't know what.

pls help i can pown you all again on public ;)
format again... its still the virus
if you formatted your pc you should have internet, or you still have the virus or a new one:p
internets dont works
don't click those virus links please :)
why did you format. All you needed to do was reintsall irc.

Oh and btw, its not a virus. Its just a trojan.
how can you be on xfire without internet"?:O
Site offline bekijken natuurlijk!
network driver?
haha X da krijg je ervan he, volgende keer beter nadenke
did you install the modem drivers?
ofc , hes not maltese you noob
how can i get the kitty out of there? :(
you lure it with a pussy.
install your motherboard drivers
have sex with momsy1
inter net =<<<<<<<
netword card driver or motherboard drivers if its built in
that isn our problem xD.
No. Throw your PC out of your window .
hahahaha best joke i ever heard..... :/
uve got drone!!1 i've removed that
frkin bitch yesterday but he fuck up my win/services but almost fixed that 2.
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