LoseThos: a new complete and open-source operating system

You thought the golden age of computers was spent? And a single developer in his garage could not change the world?

Terry A. Davis disagrees.

LoseThos is an open-source operating system developed by Terry A. Davis all alone in more than in 7 years full time with 125.024 lines of code.

losethos Website
that's what the world needs
has he probs with talkin? sounds like its hard to breath for him

prolly a little fatty kid
He hasn't talked for seven years, which should explain it!
that is so fucking hc nerding, didnt understand a word
his talking is fucking annoying

sounds like a portugese city
it's a kernel level 64 bit recreational programming OS..
impressive though not very functional for an every day user.
I mean not even hardcore linux heroes operate at kernel level, most of them use a GUI or shell.
hardcore nerding should be better spent on developing an all new game engine made for hardcore pc gamers instead of console nubs.
wow just wow
:P ff de nerd uithangen op een nerdsite moet toch kunnen!
ik snapte dus geen reet van wat je net zei :DDD gratz haha :p
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