what you doing matez?
16 Nov 2010, 13:52
watching some scrubs and playing some fifa 11 atm.
best scrubs moment ever;
what u doing?
best scrubs moment ever;
what u doing?
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
any tips what I could do while watching teh movie ?
sleep, browse cf, chatt with ppl on msn/fb, go make food, maybe go see a friend
ach pennen ist das beste glaub mir. been there done that.
Yeserday end 2nd / 720 in 0.50€ buy in :D
Are you good?
For the moment i'm not "good", trying to improving my gamestyle
I'm writing a report on measuring the focal length of a concave and cenvex lens using three different methods
np- liquid tension experiment : acid rain
uploaded soon
2 draw :<
Porting a Flex3+PureMVC app to Flex4+SpringAS
(I´ve been told that it´s in English but it is not!)
PS: There is a guy next to me who talks to him self... Informatic departament is full of fun people :D.