What ya'll doin?

Sup cf,

What are you guys all doin atm? :>
I'm unwrapping my fail cart model,
will get feedback tomorrow & needs some texturing ofc ^^
Gotta make 5 props to fit into the EgyptCairo slums.
unwrapping is soooo much fun x)

image: unwrep

Listening to this

Thinking about her
image: cheer_up__by_susancoffey
pwning whole server in some mmorpg pvp game
thinking hard about a good witty comment.
chilling balls in bed cos i ate too much at dinner and just took a massive shit. need to recover.
Quotechilling balls in bed

? ;)
make an etmap
had uwv mapping previous period @ school, that shit was boring beyond my imagination, really... :S

good luck!
nice paint thingy :P
Well, i'm sitting here at university... listening to my teacher at Mobile computing class :| how boring can it be
Why it is so COLD IN PORTUGAL?! :D
I don't understand, last days are driving me crazy.. It's fucking cold comparing to the old times :X But it's still better than Finland no? :P
Doing ER Diagram Model for the Airline....as.dfagsghdkj BAAAAA.

Soon Polo Aquatic training and after that SHOTS BAR!
chatting with a hot girl :]]]
pic or it never happened or it is never happening :D
image: a9kocpc9

she is 18 (im 19)
saw her on google last friday
can trust me ;)
18.. naah... :D too young for me :D
she is hot indeed
gonna smoke a spliff and watch spirited away :)
I quit weed u start.. wtf man wtf.
listening to some epic electrohouse, drinking redbull, gonna play FO3/HoN
learning for the engrish exam :) 2morrow
sometimes there's a man... i won't say a hero, 'cause, what's a hero? but sometimes, there's a man
just started listening to this amazing Explosions in the sky album in combination with beer, good stuff.
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