dear xfire admins :<


I want my old name back so plz make silent instead of Silent_

i know theres already a Netherlands silent

but hes never active he never ever posted a shit so just delet him :<

thank you
Perhaps he just watchs the site and stuff and never posts here?
u can also watch the site without login :o
no need to delete his account for.
well but they could rename his account to Silent_ coz i had the nick silent at the old xfire ffs :< and im every day on xfire and hes never! :(
you could change my nick to shifty/
yeh me too pls.
wie wärs wenn du einen admin queriest? :D
Silent-san, you are too old for this shit
pls change me nick to sick ( no big S )
please add a bavaria flag
need a good designer or a php coder, pm me :D
whats with the deleting of my comments, i post a pic of a chic without a top and it gets deleted, wtf? is this a policy, no boobs on xfire?

image: IMG_1815
change my name to silent too please!
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