pc build need help

I finished building the PC, but the monitor doesnt work, its blank.


image: 17112010125
image: 17112010130

motherboard: Intel DP55WB

I have no idea, where that cable from CD-rom/DVD should connect to motherbord, it doesn't got that "long" cable. I only got a cable from PSU to CD rom, pls help :X
ah i help
i also have no idea.
look what a weird pictures the graphics :-) koNe just look in the book info :)
the manual got everything except info about DVD writer. :/
just hmm just try with your cables :)
Make sure your graphic card's powersupply is connected. (something I forgot once :p)
missing the cable from motherboard to CD ROM

no cable from graphic card to powersupply
You dont have slot for ATA devices on mobo. So u cant connect ur cd-rom (which needs this type of cable) on ur mobo.
Does the pc boot or does the fans just run??

there are 2 powercables going to the motherboard. 1st there is the big one like 20 pin and also there is a 8pin that has to be connected or else the pc wont boot. forgot that one when i built my new pc.

Nothing shows on the monitor if it isnt connected.
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