[hon] professional opinion pls

game id: 20436003
would you say my item on wildsoul was a bad choice?
please fast forward trough the game.
imho rampage went mad and fed trough the whole game even tough we could have still won this in late.
talking to him didnt help at all even tough i was wiping out one after another of the opponents (ofc with team help) he wouldnt calm down or stop.
post your opinion pls
haters no need for your commentary thanks
e: i farmed that from 20-30~
not bad, but not the best either :)
edit: you should go for fast frostburne, split it up, make frostwolf skull and geometers
then savage mace, wingbow, demonic breastplate - put breastplate on the bear
i didnt ask for a general wildsoul build but thank you
btw frostbournes & geometers ms don't stack and i assume frostwulf also has an attack modifier that doesn't stack but maybe im mistaken here.
i told you to breake it and make frostwolf and geo out of it, you can do that by right clicking on item in your stash.
you dont have to repeat that.
and thank you, i know how to split up items.
Well I think he has to, because you haven't realised you use the Slash from HnS to make Geometer's.
ok man that didnt even answer the question i brought in here
thank you for your opinion
Yeah, whatever.
dont talk to cheaters :P
geometres ain't an attack modifier bro :)
i said
MS modifier
=movement speed
I c, but when u split up frostburn you make geometres of the firebrand and frostwulf of the other part?
yes and a by mistake i thought about about an attack modifier with frostburn frostwulf i didnt think it trough that frostburn is gone until then u understand? i knew what he meant but that was my failure
shrunken after frostburn, then split

u only need shrunken if they got stuns..disables..whatsoever..
i c u go the same build everytime u play a hero.
proofs how good you really are, man.
there are max 2-3 good build on each hero so whats your point? klejf is actually a good player
thats why i can carry with jereziah too.
whenever you can actually think of own builds or simply use fun items to pwn enemy hard then i can say you are innovative and good.
anyway. doesnt seem like hes that good :) idc think what you want
carry jere works if you play random pubs you would own with anything. My point: no such thing as pub build, you can go anything as you mostly play just for yourself. klejf and I were playing many many clan scrims and we know what's better for those. If you want to go ws with heart or kuldra on pub thats your choice and if they are worse you will pwn them anyway. Wont work on a higher level tho.
ws aint a higherlvl hero afaik (ban/not picked)
so i dont have a clue why you are talking about higher lvl
just proves you dont know much. He was picked by top teams from time to time.
every hero gets picked from time to time..
witch slayer is instant pick (if not banned) hero

you can play solo with him (not too often done), or play him as a semicarry/ganker or trilane support

what was your psr again?

btw, just checked the replay
made me smile, 0 hp items

wildsoul with 216 gpm CANT carry, doesnt matter what items you get
i could never farm
btw i meant wildsoul not witch slayer where u talking about him rofl
which further indicates you are simply bad
you can carry with a jereziah?

de fuck do you play? 1300+ ?
carryziah , good sir
i know the build, it just doesnt work unless you are 1800 on a 1500 pub or something

in that case any hero would carry

image: 251b6d950acc
its ridiculous anyway
do you never play a game for fun ^^
playing for fun =/= being bad on purpose
poor fella :/
anyway if u want to play for fun simply add my reputation is just as my nickname: d0gma_
k, was lying, you're shit in hon
now dats better

ming by jakis team chetnie podobno ukrecil, co ty na to?
chuj ci w dupe, ostatnio emo quitowales po jednej grze
moja wina ze dauny przegraly ja na samych pickach?
poza tym oni najpierw wyszli, nie ja

i to byla 2 gra, nie pierwsza :D
kurna stefan, tobie tez sie zdarzaly emoquity, nie przesadzaj
kazdemu sie moze trafic hujowy dzien :m
tylko ja nie odchodze z teamu jesli mi sie nie dobrze nie gra z kolesiami ktorych dopiero testowalismy jak ty zrobiles + wrocilem do teamu na ktory wjezdzales przy kazdej sposobnosci

znowu skonczy sie tak ze bedziesz wyzywal wszystkich, ja tego nie potrzebuje
po 1 to nie byl team, po 2 nie whinowalem na wszystkich tylko na typa ktory przegral cala gre pickujac sanda, nie mielismy prawa tej gry wygrac. poza tym dobrze wiesz ze nikomu nie zwracam uwagi jak nie jestem pewien ze mam racje

blagac cie nie bede, ale wez ogarnij dupeu
nie mowie o tej grze, sam ogarnij dupe
ok, o ile sie to bedzie wiazac ze spieciem posladow z twojej strony!

niedziela , 20.00 , przed ratuszem w samo poludnie!
i dunno lol, but you so crazy
cant find your account lolol
not so many wildsouls in that game
u shouldnt go for breast imo :p maybe as last item if you really have good farm

should go frostburn after thunderclaw, then mock to put in bear
Whats your nick ?
if you ever want to get mock, get it as first. it's made for farming, and you farm early game.
ive played mock on ws also. works best if given to booboo and let him chase down enemies :)
breastplate is a protip from a dota professional i know
he is my rl friend and also won some recent sc2 tournaments
he was also a warcraft 3 pro for a long time
i trust this gosu guy and he didnt fail me with this tip
try it yourself. bear gets attackspeed+armor + teamarmor + - armor for enemy also u can use it on yourself if you choose to transform to the actual bear and are nearly unkillable. this item i farm from 20-30, u can do it a lot faster but on pub its just very hard.
and it's easier in competitive play? :D
who plays ws competitive?
ban/not picked?!
oh rly thats why i asked why the fucked you said PUB :D

pub is the only place where its played
ye, u pretty much suck
Mhm bad choice imo. You need damage not that shitty daemonic maybe in late late late game after you got other items.
yea and u also never played dota. well nvm dude
ive played dota and his argument has a point, problem?
y interfere more, random
im pretty sure i play hon better than you :)
and i never said im skilled so great man you have just pwnd me hard!!
oh no!!
so im not a random :P
You asked for my opinion and i told you mine and you begin to flame, whats the point?
y sry i was pissed because of perfo and a bit mad because of that rampfail ig
stopt reading after
Quotewould you say my item on wildsoul was a bad choice?

i didnt pick wildsoul
somebody swapped it
why did you agree on the swap then?
why wouldnt i
i like that hero
dude went random and i said swap :)
so i picked valk for him np
you wont get PROFESSIONAL help here
fb, charged hammer, savage = win
unless they have someone with wingbow shards > savage :)
just why. tell me what you need charged hammer for? y u could charge the tank maybe but wtf you aint support. thunderclaw i get it but why upgrade it. better use +55 for breastplate.
You should have gone for Nullstone or bkb to avoid their cc; I bet balpha ult raped you pretty hard too. Thunderclaw is pretty good to increase your farm, although breastplate is a pretty good item on wildsoul you should have gone more dps oriantated, because your teammates had nothing. Well there was no way you could still win this, because you got pretty much outpicked and hardly outfarmed. Your team is pretty gank orientated, but most likely failed because of a lack of disables + they got more aoe :P
no way i could have farmed nullstone lol
ususally geh ich ja eh boots thunderclaw und dann meistens fb direkt in einem oder halt wingbow wenn wirklich viel da ist dann savage mace und gg
Damit wirst du nie in einem game gewinnen in dem einigermaßen gute Leute spieln, sprich 1700, 1750+
Du musst viel mehr auf Überleben baun als auf damage. Denn was bringen dir 350 dg wenn du in 20 sec gekillt werden kannst.
eh war ja nur zum spaß, spiel ja auch gern support oder tank ;) in letzter zeit wenige kills, hab mir jetzt aber eh wem gfundn zum teamup
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