FM2011 Year#4

LEEDS LEEDS LEEDS (I actually dislike Leeds)

Season 3 ended well:

image: 5lz986

Was pushing Chelsea for 6th spot until the last 2 weeks of the season, when I lost x2 and they won x2, but I'll settle for 7th place.

My firstXI last season was good, but I lacked a top quality striker and DR. With that said, my summer signings have been image: borat_great_success-450x337

image: j7ycsj

Micah Richards

all on free transfers + Jara (can play all across the back line) + Sanogo (been chasing him for ages, wonderkid French striker) + Yobo (beast CB)

This leaves my lineup going into preseason as:

image: mr8if4

Monster team and I still have 20m transfer budget left. Nmonomnomomonomnom

In other FM related news, Netherlandsimage: 1tmr88 was spotted spectating one of my games.

In other ET related news, Anonymousimage: 9plwsw remain unbeaten after demolioshing Belgiumbeltards:

image: sxjfrp
that hot btw how much did u pay to her to pose for that pic with u? can't compensate the absence of tekoa on the pic
you're so cool.
Can't believe they still lost after moving our doc carriers to spec like 5 times.
Do you skip games or are you just a horrible nerd?
go and pick hulk from porto and coentrao from benfica
Without hacks they are med skill max.
that's why they/we became third at cc4 :P

low dutch is low

I might have been overreacting a little but my comment was mostly aimed at zet0.
in that case I dont blame you
who's interested in Boussoufa?
Liverpool Arsenal Juventus
I thought he was bad/mediocre at best?
who's KFC? I think I know him somehow.
My guess is: pornstar?
what ? you don't know her ?
who is it? xD
Only after googling the name from the pic, but no I'm not that much of an avid porn watcher :P
she's not really worth googling the name, overplaying a lot
I just wanted to check if my initial guess was correct :)
Goals Galore :D
How did you get Theo and Micah on free transfers?

How the fuck are you into your 4th season?
goals galore seems to do well only for smaller teams x]
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