"Just Cause" I got too much time

I just wasted 5mins and 48 seconds of my life to find out how long it would take to overfly the full island of Just Cause with an F16 Jet :D And its really 5:48 mins needed to overfly the island with the fastest plane :D If I get rly bored I maybe try to do the same thing just with walking and swimming xD

Btw does already exist something like a mapeditor for the game? If yes plz pm link, thx

good night and #carebear
hm I remember a game for the n64 where you could fly
I miss that game
that was a good game, but I was thinking of some other game xD
I played a game on the N64 once.
just once? :D
Actually pretty much every day during my final two-three years at school. One of my friends had an N64 and lived 2 streets down from the school, so we went round his place and played Perfect Dark and F-Zero every lunchbreak and free session...
n64 loooooool... commodore 64 ftw... >_>
shhh be quiet
smash bros plz....
In dere ziit hätsch öppis anders chöne mache! :P
hör auf so zu reden :<
stimmbänder kürzen und mitreden :P
sry für mi isch es eifach sinnlos so öppis z mache wenns eh kein usser di interessiert und der admin au keis bizli mir entgegechunt :<
Ich ha jo scho mit ihm gredet. Und wie söll är uf die zuecho wenn är nid mol weiss wo mä di findet, geschwiege denn wär du bisch :P

Und es interessiert sehr wohl öpper und zwar die ganzi community wo sich do unterhaltet bzw. das Spil in Liige oder sunsch was spiilt und langsam d Schnauze voll het drvo immer müesse bi jedem Spil angscht zha, dass dr Gegner nid suuber spiilt.
that game sucks so hard.
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