Need a geek (not a nerd) (.de)

.. to explain to me what a mandelbox is. is that computation (mathematics)? it isnt something that naturally occurs or does it? and why do the shapes look so good to us and what generates those?
also if ur hardcore id like you to tell me who it actually works (the formula/string part).

e: some related visual input

e: to render such a thing it takes 150+ hours.
i dunno lol
A Mandelbox is a box-like fractal object that shares several properties with the well known Mandelbrot set, it is a map of continuous, shape preserving Julia sets.
This means the object varies at different locations, since each area uses a Julia set fractal with a unique formula.
nice google nerd
i can read wikipedia myself but i dont understand that "mandelbrot" which is the basis of the madelbox, the mandelcloud and the other shapes it can have.
A Mandelcloud is a usually microscopic structure containing nuclear and cytoplasmic material enclosed by a semipermeable membrane and, in plants, a cell wall; the basic structural unit of all organisms.
but how does it work. i know there are strings to let a PC randomly calculate a mandelbox and it will never be the same. what is the "shaping force" behind that?
His frequent absences from school jeopardized his position as a diver on his school's swim team. After high school, he attended Chester Adult School in Compton following his mother's demands for him to get a job or continue his education. After brief attendance at a radio broadcasting school, he relocated to the residence of his father and residence of his grandparents before returning to his mother's house.
The Mandelbrot set is a mathematical set of points in the complex plane, the boundary of which forms a fractal. The Mandelbrot set is the set of complex values of c for which the orbit of 0 under iteration of the complex quadratic polynomial zn+1 = zn2 + c remains bounded.[1] That is, a complex number, c, is in the Mandelbrot set if, when starting with z0 = 0 and applying the iteration repeatedly, the absolute value of zn never exceeds a certain number (that number depends on c) however large n gets.
what gambit said.
what gambit didnt say
hab gehört wenn das 3d ist dauert das rendern bis zu 9 tage . add mal (ger) hinter dein jrnal
ja hab ich auch gelesen.
ich peils einfach net was es im grunde damit auf sich hat.
kp gibst in so nem Mandelbrot-Programm Zahlen ein oder so, dann rechnet das nach dieser Formel was aus und daraus ergibt sich dann so ein Bild ;/
ich will wissen wie es funktioniert.
was die natürliche grundlage für diese berechnungen ist.
da erstellt ein programm ästhetisch wertvolle formen "von selbst". was ist das "von selbst"?
und ist es nur "schön" weil es symmetrisch ist? wie deffiniert sich die "masse" (/anzahl der pixel)?
usw usw
habs gelesen, peils immer noch nicht, bin derbster failor in Mathematik :Dd
das ist es eben, keiner peilt es so richtig.
ich liebe moderne "wunder".
my brains are burning
That usually means you haven't had enough beer today :(
how many u got?
alien spaceship wreck
150 hours? Thats nothing, must be a very strong computer. Just rendered something with medium settings and took 5 hours with 200 frames (8 sec in video). dual core I have
reine mathematik. visualisierung von komplexen funktionen (afaik).
und da erstellt kein programm ästetische formen "von selbst", sondern es löst gleichungen bzw. führt rechnerische operationen aus, die wir (in ihrer visualisierung) als ästetisch empfinden.
Edit: gerade den wiki artikel gelesen - diese grafiken die du siehst sind "abbilder" von komplexen funktionen (siehe komplexe zahlen), welche egal in welch infinitisimalen (unendlich) kleinen maßstäben man sie betrachtet anders aussehen. zumindest habe ich das so verstanden, ob das so richtig ist kA
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