skill meter

Hey guys.
Question,how you guys know,are you med-,med+,high+?
Is that about how much you kill or teamwork or how many scrims you have been?

Was today in google:P
image: 20101116_1

image: 20101117_3
Teamwork, fluent comms are very important
high + in everything low in receiving riticism about myself =)
anything else u need ?
Ye,what is normal acc?Like I have 36,when I play morning,but in evening,like 28acc:P What more I play ET in one day,more noobish I play:P
high acc = no preshoot = fail
40 acc with preshoot :<
implying preshoot makes you better, besides in my golden days i averaged 43-44 accuracy with smgs WITHOUT using hacks
Perhaps, but from which movie is that Dapper Dan man -quote in your profile?
there's no such quote in any movie
There is, but then again you might have quoted it from elsewhere.
It was some movie about these three guys in the wild west or something, but I forgot the name. It was quite funny if I recall.
the 'i don't give a fuck' part was improvised
the movie is O Brother Where Art Thou
funny as fuck
Ah, thanks a lot! Sorry about that cheater whinging part, you seem like a nice lad in the light of this new evidence.
You suck at taking criticism about yourself.
i suck yeah :'(
Not necessarily a bad thing my lady ;)
u obv are polish and a bad troll
Man, I thought maus was really busted :<
simple rule of thumb:
1. u played OC prem, EC, NC and ur STILL active in a well known team, 80% of cF knows you:
high (also high does not have - or +. high is high)

2. u are well known around the community, you have a stable team and you beat some of the other top tier clans once in a while:

3. u played ET for a long time but you dont really have a stable team any longer but everytime you do actually play you lead your team to victory (comms, obj, etc) and you have oustanding scores:

4. you are an "over the average" ET player:

5. your not active that much any longer or in your 2/3rd year of learning ET:

6. u think ur uber but u only play for a year and a half, you only try and frag and you have chat-binding but at least u laways have more damage than everyone else added together:
low+ (max^^)

7. ur learning the game but you can tell that you improved a lot cause you can predict where/what/when/how etc:

8. you still learning and you often get timing and positioning wrong, or ur a member of KRP:

9. u r pretty new (only a couple of months ETpro) to game:

--> which makes me med-
With that text I read,I must be med- here then:P
Quote8. you still learning and you often get timing and positioning wrong, or ur a member of KRP:

KRP aka 2nd best mix team in ET :$?
e: soz for edit but i shouldnt be going on a rant about how im actually better than 50% of em and so forth. but generally speaking if you expose yourself like that you need to be able to deal with flame. internet.
3rd mAx sry
Sorry, don't know who you are, you mustn't be a threat to top3.
never said I'm in top3, i said krp is max the 3rd best mix, 1st and 2nd are tag and alnc

ALNC( better known as SKK!) is 1st, 2nd is KRP, 3rd is TAG. Tag hardly play anymore either so that's probably why.
butchji, biqq, urtier, lightning and aea are playing for tag, who is definitely better than krp, sorry dude, you know I'm right
not a mix anymore is it, if they have a stable lineup
Take the top5 of KRP and you have a lineup that RAPES those guys.

This discussion was about "top 3 MIXTEAMS" which KRP currently is with their 20+ man lineup who play randomly. A stable team of 5 is not a mixteam.
No, you're not.
we could field whole f5/team-finland/mM for that matter though
don't forget old sienihermannit who use to rock et world.
4 years and low+ :(
Quote5. your not active that much any longer or in your 2/3rd year of learning ET:

so I'm a med-?
i dont know you so i cant tell...
you inactive (but have been over average)?
you learning (hard like a 14yo that first came to) ET?
Your chart is pretty lacking. I've been playing ETPro under 2 years and I wouldn't specify myself as med- at the least.
i should have added:
if your new to the game and you search a med+ war on IRC and barely manage to win... ur actually low/+, welcome to ET2008+.
but again i cant say anything about you personally cause i simply dont know you. there are always exceptions from the rule and there are always people with special talents (that maybe hide the lack of something else).
so if your playing for 2 years and u did not only get the aim straight but ur actually on top of the tactical stuff aswell (experience > * in this game) then u can manage it to "at least med-" even by older standarts...
keep on rollin'
you wanted me to "win" of some sort, so i guess thats it.
amazing deleting your comments
you said i was supposed to win but i didnt take kindly to your random out-of-context reply.
if you dont want me to flame you for commenting like a braindead then lets end it here... thats what i thought at least
"You can't win here"-comment was for the fact that I didn't even insult you and you still called me an attitude problem newfag, it wasn't directed to you.

PS: nice skill measurements lowbob
you replied like a retard therefore its justified to call you a retard. you did exactly prove my point right there. thanks, newfag (that prolly is a lot lower than me, so hf calling people lowbobs).
You first flamed me and made stupid assumptions without any idea whatsoever what you're talking about, then I commented you on that and now I'm an idiot. Hard to argue with a wall.
i have been very careful to not insult you at all, to only elaborate on what i wrote previously (you might wonan check back on that instead of closing your eyes for facts).
you dont wonna hear my message thats why ur mad.
and your message is?
u bore me.
if you want to know what i wrote previously then read it.
conversation over.
Quoteu bore me.
Shocking message. I cannot accept this.
Why do you need to be active to be high ;d
because the way i learned it high seperates every very good individual- and team-player from "only" the very good individual ones.
no1 even dared to claim they are high skilled.
high skilled was reserved for the very best of the best. it was defined by the community.
being high skilled is at least 50% team based. if your not active you are not part of a working team. therefore you can be as good as you want but you are not high.
Sorry, but that is the most dumb thing I've heard today ;p
your name was hayati_ back then?


oh wait
not the desired effect
med+ fuck yearrr
much headshots + good acc = skill
Well I'm clearly High/+.
ingame actions and high acc do the trick imo
Play vs KRP.

Win (impossible): megahigh

Almost win or maybe win sp_delivery: high

Make slow times and get some frags but still lose clearly: med+

Get spawnraped: med or lower

Also I rofled at that fucking stupid Germany noob saying that OC premier players are high :DDDDDDDDDD:DDDDDDDDDDD:DDDDDD
no you didnt want to read the "and" in between but needed a reason to try and flame cause some wizzard claimed that ur actually lowfags.
The other standards are even more ridiculous, Humm3ls teams are well known and active but they suck

Besides based on your skill meters I belong in both high and low- which is funny
wow dont get me started on humm3l, we got no time for this...

QuotePlay vs KRP.

Win (impossible): megahigh

if you expose yourself liek that, posting a journal after EVERY SINGLE SCRIM u manage to win by luck, u must be able to deal with the flame.
funny how you guys throw punches but cant even take the slightest hit (by a fucking random) w/o bursting in tears.
Did I even comment on your attempt at bashing KRP? You just IMAGINED your punch to have landed because you thought your insult was so brilliant. I merely commented on "OC = HIGH"
you are playing stupid now.
i said that the reason you commented on "OC = high" is that you did not WANT to read the rest of the sentence (which makes it far from "OC = high") because you are mad that i flamed KRP. no arguing about that at that stage so id rather drop that poor argument (or can you really not read at all).
Yes, I'm really mad that you flamed my team by saying that it is low-. It was very cruel of you.

Anyhow playing OC prem, EC, NC and being STILL active in a well known team, with 80% of cF knowing you does not make a player highskilled when we look at in-game playing efficiency. A counter-example is sufficient to disprove this: Humm3l
i am sorry but i came up witht hat list as i went along.
if id specify "known by 80% of cF for being a GOOD player" humm3l would drop out immediately (tho i doubt even 40% of cF knows what humm3l is up to atm).
also the team-GER he was "part of" was no team-GER.
as i said there are exceptions form the rule and as i said aswell dont get me started on that humm3l.
you giving hard hits on internet man : )
sFc megahigh
nice megahigh :)
hummels team was active????? yes, maybe 2 weeks ,aybe even not

but honestly if it was active it would be performing well
fuckyea im finaly med+
tMoe megahigh?

0-39 xp per 15 mins map -> you are low, sorry ;(
40-79 xp -> low+
80-119 xp-> med.
120-159 xp -> med.+
160-199 xp -> high
200-239 xp -> high +
240 and more -> you should be banned cause of cheats
300 and more -> you are the butchji
who told this already? PolandHomer?
0-39 xp -> teamkiller -> what is fps?
40-79 xp -> getting started
80-119 xp-> low
120-159 xp -> low+
160-199 xp -> med
200-239 xp -> med+
240 and more -> med+ (good day)
I can't be bothered.
ey wtf! where did you get eujens rating system from?
from internet :]

tites when you make more ET ARTWORK !!
make a petition where 50 cf users pm me on asking for new artwork haha
image: scaled.php?tn=0&server=249&filename=wuta

was a good day
I did 212 xp in 15minutes in FA Recuiting
5o5 scrim 136xp(they were low+I was engi)
did FA recuit you?
Nah,just play there for raiting,if I m bored.
I did 1337 at public 18/18
2 maps
Highest I've seen is 390 in 15min 6on6
IMO there's no set criteria for being high, mid+, mid, low+, low etc It's usually very very obvious when somebody who is skilled (and by skilled I mean high or mid+) to recognise if the person they're playing with or against is high/mid+/mid etc.

The scale is arbitrary, everything is relative. The best will set the benchmark and everyone else falls into place underneath.
hello Mztik, I'm your fan
Let's be friends!
im medskill

if you have more knowledge of ET and can aim better than me then you are > med

image: o5akfaqc
you play well = high
you play average = med
you play bad = low

isnt that it?
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