amateur vasectomy

So the thing is: I hate kids. And I am poor. So recently I tried to exercise a vasectomy on myself with a hot needle but all it did was hurt and the doc says I'm still fertile. Got any suggestions as to what I can do to finally succeed?
get money. because if your poor you dont need that. you will need protection ever time you have sex cause poor people have sex with poor people and poor people have STDs.
eat a bucket of sand and dip the tip of your penis in acid
just burn your balls with some matches works for me.
find yourself a boyfriend
first that snuff porn journal and then this, you must be really board

but if you're in the mood for self mutilation i always wanted to know if you could burn off your nutsack hair with a lighter without it hurting, happy testing
You don't want kids ?

/kill ; forcetapeout
Haha just stop sex. Well gl
BME olympics is a good tutorial vid, prolly could help you.
I came so hard when I watched it the first time.
srsly hoped that was fake :<
just let your nuts be kicked by random people and as hard as they can. should work after maybe 20 times
cut it
Apply for a job as truck driver.
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