pb kicks me... :(

My following problem is:
Server disconnected: has been kicked by punkbuster (for 0 minuteses)... Restriction: Unknown Windows API Function [131144]

win 7 user :o
you have an unknown windows API function

your welcome
who cares for pb?
i want to paly hirntot 10 maps !!!!!1111111111
kick the dirty fucker back
close, but no cigar
have you tried the google?
yes... :(
no answer for code[131144]
I'd go check some win 7.0 ET guides and try googling for the kicks on unknown windows API kicks. Dont be afraid to read cod forums, might help you find a reason for the kicks.
delete pb folder, update with pbsetup, run as admin, allow PnkBstrA, PnkBstrB in ur firewall
works <3 <3
NOT :(

Now Code [131146]

oh wtf? :( :D
I think that there is Unknown Windows API Function [131144] which is bugging you.
ye i said so but no one is listening to me
cracked win7?
pb is so 2009 ...
no1 can help me?? :((
dont vid restart. take it our your config
did you update pb and run et as admin?
get slac:S
Cheat/Hack Violations:
When PunkBuster detects a cheat or hack by repeated positive identification on a player's computer, a violation is raised. These violation numbers are 50000 and higher. Families of cheats are listed below. Resolution: Remove cheats and hacks from the computer.

#50000s - Aimbot
#60000s - Wallhack
#70000s - Multihack
#80000s - Gamehack
#90000s - 'Cheat' Video Drivers
#100000s - Speedhack
#110000s - Autofire
#120000s - Game Hook
#130000s - Attempted PunkBuster Hack
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