cc8 lan, where is it

everybody knows there wont be one because tosspot wont make enough profit, but the rumours are that its gonna be held in london
where whould you host it
Idd host it in Antwerp or Enschede, best locations tbh,
England is too far for some x)
aef was great last time, next time with a smaller or no cod section though
idd love more games tbh, CoD, HoN, LoL, Bloodline, Sc2,...
if ET gets played on a big lan, it gets more attention :>
oh so you want to have small lans with ET only?
more fun on lans like Deamhack & stuff
too far for who?
meh I ment that Antwerp or Enschede is more in the middle of Europe
but you can get food in london on a sunday
Too far for almost every ET player except 7 UK players prolly. So yeah, it's too far lol
i just never seem to recognise the people who complain that its too far as being people who actually turn up to lans :!
You surely read the comments with denmark lan and croatian lan?

Every dutchie and belgian said it's too far bla bla, they wont come etc. And that was a major part of the ppl who turn up to lans. and when a Lan is hosted in London, most of germans and ducthies and belgians wont turn up there either. So it's a loss for the event not to have so many attendings. couple of UK ppl wont make up for that loss.
lazy bastards
Tosspot has nearly ran out of the millions (signup-fees + sponsormoney x 7 lans) which he has made from previous lans, so we are definately going to have cc8 in half a year.
There will Be a cc8 i Hope in enschede Cause its cult and more will come than to London! Sry for iPhone!
u can turn that "t9"-like mode off
Settings > General settings > keyboard > on/off whichever bothers you
why not host it in germany btw?
cuz its too far away for the english players that will come imo.
polaks wont come anyway

netherlands isnt that far for germans, especially enschede.
et not allowed under 18 so fail for some...
hahahaa, thats why i waited till i turned 18 to get to my first lan
but i saw some illegal kids though
oh noez! :o

advantage is u can go to every club when u are 18 no need to turn 21.
We shall party hard!
ofc no doubt about!
et is usk 16 as far as I know
but you have to be 18 years old to attend a LAN event
so its same result at the end eh?
not in germany, becuz et got never tested for a usk restrictment! so its usk 18!

no test= auto usk 18!
no u don't need to be 18 for every lan :p
every event that goes after 22 o'clock
no, sometimes it's enough that there is a guy who is 18+ then u can go with 16 to it.
not if it is "Geschlossene Gesellschaft" translation found: Private function
but it would encourage some other players to come... hungarian, italian, croatian....and many more.
germany = law = fail

Germany uses USK not as most EU countries do with PEGI. Due to the fact that ET was never published/sold it was never rated by USK and thus is 18+ by definition. There was a time when ESL admins and especially FlyingDJ (via Giga) tried to make them rate it. Would probably get a 16+ rating. Though that never happened unfortunately. (iirc)
at least we would get rid of those kiddos
omg i would love to be in london. u can play i can watch and then we can go shopping and clubbing! sounds great count me in for sure.
if it will be enschede, im there as well!
sure you can watch :)))))
dinner!!! :)
and drinks? :)
maybe a bit of dancing....
well yeah why not ;9
sounds like a date :) x
its only been what 2-3 years in the making? haha
oi mr Casanova, talked with your boys? :D
yeah at least 2 years idd :)
Clubbing @ English clubs :D
Enschede! nkNn rebuild hihi
yes please ill come and cheer for you
Enschede pls :D
sponsor me a ticket and stay at your house thanx :D
lol Indiana Jones in my house u mad? :D
Sorry, I can arrange a palmtree for you :) ":D"
pls be nice.
somewhere in Germany would be great!! it's quite in the middle of Europe so for everyone easy to reach with a car!

maybe in Cologne?

or we just all meet in the basement of NetherlandsTwizZt
if germany then BERLIN no doubt about best city in germany s
Idd. Maybe there will be more polish teams x)
working near polish border!
I know, you told me once.
Living not so far from .de border!
so cu cc8 :)
im goin clubbing tonite ! =)

i might go see Delta Funktionen tonite but i doubt it :<
do u know aka aka my fav djs atm and friends of mine. look here!
No need for that if Enlarged gets back.
how much money do we need??
Entrange fee was something about 30/40 Euros, but definitely worth it.

If you wanted to ask how much money we need to get it back: None. It wasn't cancelled because of financial issues, but because of lack of time by the orga. :/

Time to step up for an experienced orga team.. ;)
lets hope so!
u cant have it in germany cause all the people under 18 wouldnt be alllowed to play enemy territory officially
my house heahehaehaheaheaheaheaheaheaheahaehaehaheaheaheahehaeh
tbh Budapest is the best location
Helsinki or somewhere more north so i'd see how many landodge whining benelux students would make the trip
i hope its in Vienna or something close so bibu can drive me there!
germany or netherland should be great
ofc for me austria too :p
enschede was a nice location, london is a nice city, but plz look for a location that you can reach with the tube!! nocar = shit :<

i can book a "lanonly" plane from frankfurt 8D

prices will be announced :>

btw germany isnt a good location since such events are not allowed due to public if there a games like et :<

i have an idea: lets host it in austria (maybe salzburg) its reachable,too and no fucking 18+ laws if im right. red bull could be one of the mainsponsors ;D

i'll go talk to didi
London would be great (just check out some vids from the Ixx (f.e. I39) series)
Even tho London is quite expensive (for clubbing/food/hotels), the flight are quite cheap tho.

Enschede would be the best location (imo), flights to AMS are cheap, the hotel (at least the one I was) was cheap and had great rooms (with enough space to have two totaly stoned dutchmen crashing on the floor xD)

Germany is uther shit for a LAN, even the Intel Friday Night Games (ESL Proseries) are 18+, if you want to host a LAN where ppl under 18 can participate you have to make two different areas: one for the under 18 where there are only games for ppl under 18 (which ET would be afaik) and one area for games 18+ like CS and CoD
If you want to host it in germany you should chose Frankfurt for the location because you can reach it from every single country by plane (europes biggest airport)
not anymore afaik.
It's just the biggest for people transport.
If you count in the transport of goods, Frankfurt is the biggest in europe
Guess not, give me infos then.
In school, interwebZ to slow to search something.
Just google :)
I did google. And it always gives me London's airport :D
Hard to check Wikipedia

Frankfurt am Main Airport (IATA: FRA, ICAO: EDDF), known in German as Flughafen Frankfurt am Main or Rhein-Main-Flughafen is a major international airport located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 12 km (7.5 mi) southwest of the city centre.[1] Run by Fraport, it is by far the busiest airport by passenger traffic in Germany, the third busiest in Europe and the ninth busiest worldwide in 2009. It serves the most international destinations in the world and is the busiest airport in Europe by cargo traffic
Why is it important that it's biggest for cargo?
Yeah, we care about ppl transport here when you consider we are talking about a LAN :D
what about a FranceFrench Lan??? pretty close to countries like germany, poland, uk..
nobody speak english in france :D
gamers do..?
hum just imagine some1 that doesn't know where the lan takes place.

Hi, where does the lan take place ?
Huh quoi il veux quoi le rosbif

not all papii
99% of people going to LAN are able to speak a decent english no? :)
ask Bruce :D
:DDDDD exceptions everywhere

better than enschede!
cheap flights everyday, more connectivity, cheaper accomodation, tube system, just so much easier :D
true. For those who mention too far away, the amount of money a general visitor saves for accomondation and travel can be reinvested in a flight.
but the uk has no euro, it's possible to pay with euro but u will get this weights like pounds and so on ^^
Cheap accomodations can be found everywhere, so it's kind of a non-argument for London.

The amount of UK-players that would be attracted to come and play is a LOT smaller than the amount of dutch, belgian and german players you would lose. There's only half a dozen good UK-players and most of them will come anyway if it's hosted in Enschede.

And then I'm not even talking about changing money for that fucking pound they use in the UK.
Dutch/German/Belgians should have no problem getting to the UK. Further East I understand, but central Europe to London is fine.
The problem is not "getting" to the UK, the problem is "wanting" to go there.

With the risk of being horribly wrong again (Wolfenstein-style): Only teams who can achieve a top-8 would go through the hazard of changing money and taking the plane to London.

If you see that out of 16 BE/NL/DE teams at CiC 7 (at least 4 out of 5 players in a team are from 1 of those countries) only 6 teams had a shot at that, CC London would lose more teams than it would gain.

But that's based on my feelings and you will most likely disagree with my presumptions.
changing money has no fucking difference at all:D.d

That's not even an argument you lazy ass bitch. Just go to a local pank and change euros to pounds. Nothing will happen to you and it isnt really difficult :D
I have gotten used to using one valuta that is accepted in more than 20 countries in Europe. I'm not going to the bank to change money unless it's for a vacation.

Look at it like this: Out of the 175 participants for CC 7 only 54 had to change their local valutas into euros. If we use those 175 particpants for CC London, 155 will have to change their local valutas into pounds. I'm pretty sure there are people as lazy as me who simply can't be arsed going to the bank to change it.
You are just afraid to go to a bank cause you havent done that a lot. And you are a pussy, that's all. Changing money will never be a criteria for LAN location, never.
You're pretty smart. I bet you have a master in Psychology, the way you just saw through me. Brilliant!
I got the same feeling. But hey, we still got LANS in denmark and croatia. We dont need cc8.
I don't need CC8.
London sounds like a good location. Nice city, you can get food just around the corner, etc. etc. Also a lot easier to reach than Enschede (esp. for foreigners with no understanding of the Dutch train system).
+ its a good reason to get out of central europe and visit the big city! :D
Have it in London.
I've never been and so it will be a good excuse to get out my house.
I hear it's expensive but for 2-3 days I can live off Subway and just stay in a hostel/park bench.

Everything will be near and everywhere is open 24 hours. Plus the Queen will attend, maybe even shoutcast.
:DD not that much is open 24 hours although the Queen is interested
Queen on shoutcast would be epic!
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