Drinking alone

Do you ever go alone to some pub to have a beer or long drink or something? I guess only a few goes to nightclubs alone but imo going to some small and quiet place just to stare at your drink is really fantastic sometimes.

Log related

[20:15] <@Fragma_> I haven't had drink before club in while
[20:16] <@Fragma_> Usually go to dirty old man pub where everybody stares at me
[20:16] <+Slarto> those places are great if you go alone
[20:16] <+Slarto> forever alone -pubs
no and lol at logs xD
no never
only when you hunt boys like you change socks !
you never change socks?
so you also change bfs :D
nope not that often^^
you are a bit confused saskia
go have fun tonight
hopefully you will find a new bf better than last one :~>
no sense drink alone :o
you could drink alone at home, why go out?
Sounds so.. stupid, dunno why.
They maybe try to get a wasted girl :)
No i'm not.
tu sors jamais :D
Tu peut parler, retourne faire du photoshop pour te mitonner une life :D
drinking alone is like going to a whore for a hug
Nothing wrong getting wasted on your own, but in the end, do you think you're better off alone
No, not getting wasted, just having a drink or two.
but imo going to some small and quiet place just to stare at your drink is really fantastic sometimes.
forever alone? :DDD
I stopped drinking after last long weekend in Poland
drinking alone = problems. like someone is dead, alcohol addictions, searching drugs, dumped by your gf or foreveralone.jpg
Quotesearching drugs

I drink alone at home
Drinking alone doesnt mean gettin wasted. You could just take a glasses of an old tasty wisky and savor it for a while, staring at the others men and meet some new people..

Yeah, it's sometimes a peferct moment.
I guess I didnt write enough clearly because I indeed didnt mean getting wasted. :P

Nice to see someone agreeing with me :D
yes a quiet pint can be genius

once i even went and drank alone with a friend

Quotewith a friend

image: 3perrosperdidos
rofl you dick, but i think he meant having a drink by yourself in a quiet bar and contemplating, he just put his point across in a very douche like way =)
thats what i have my own place for.
nice comments u got here.
anyway, i understand u would like to stay alone for awhile, drinking something by yourself, nothing strange in it. fuck foreveralone.jpg, this is another story
I go to the local sometimes on my own, but usually end up meeting some others, playing pool or something : )))
u so popular : )))
I stay at home and drink my beer there. If I go out I might meet people.
do what i do...either go out early in the morning or when it's late, so people won't recognize you
i always go to the pub alone, the ultra-lux bar is awesome
Do you still play NV? Gonna start new run today, my PC broke down and now I installed it on my new laptop.
i'm on 50 hours and i explored every bit i could and tried to do every quest available, but it's too hard, so i moved on in the main quest now, but i haven't explored the strip
I was at 40 hours or so when my PC blew up :( Gonna play a strong and evil melee-character now :D
for a girl it would look weird to go alone to the pub and drink, am i right?
Yea, true :)
well your problem is a girl alone in a pub is going to get approached all the time by lonely gamer guys
Tbh, I don't have a problem ;)
no gamers approaching you? :'<<<
Only cool guys :P
oh, the coolest guys in poland!
Nah, not only :P
i'd love to carry on but i have to go to the pub and sit alone in the corner
stop drinking beer m8, I am serious,
with not much physical activity u will get manboobs & the beerbelly in no time
& the problems with erection eventually
love do to the same time to time. like today - no mates up for doing anything, but i feel like i could use a few cold beers. so just four-five beers, trolling inets and watching office or something. good times i might say
going to pub alone with laptop? :D
It is quite therapeutic every now and then.
Why do so many Finnish people like to go alone to the bar? Most of the people here saying so are Finnish.

Cultural thing?
Isolated, mute, alcohlist nation
glad I didnt have to say it

on a sidenote, I'd love to live in finland for a while, your culture seems more suited for me than the belgian selfish one
You end up with buddies in the end anyway, but it is nice to cool down for a moment and clear your head.
Used to go for a pint after school. Then in a new city just to explore some local bars alone. But not really other than that. Should do it more often though!
we have our own pub/cocktailbar :)
If I go alone I take a newspaper with me and I also spend half the time pretending to text if people look at me.
haha, so familiar.
going alone for a drink? no
Only if U drink beer but not getting wasted. Otherwise its the first step to the problems.
coffe-> yes!
alco -> never!
I kinda don't get using a depressant as a party drug

I don't really drink alone either though
No fear, you wont get depressed from drinking night or two :D
Lol? A depressant means a drug that has sedative effects -.-
Mitä sää sit tarkotit tolla ekalla lauseella?
Iha suoraan sanoin et on outoo käyttää lamauttavaa ainetta bilepäihteenä
Yeah sure... if you've an hour to kill sitting in a beer garden can be nice, or just chilling inside. How's it any different to sitting alone at home & watching tv, or playing computer games?
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