zLOL will be so godlike this game !

for more infos check here: INFO ROFL LOL
the best mmorpg is wow. thats a fact.
not only because this looks totally impractical.
well its not impractical at all as many played the demo and could do the same thing :D
Clearly NOT braindead.
cleary ure a retard!
he said it wouldnt be izi to play like this cuz its seems to hard
but if u check the link from me there are all things explained of this game and then u will realise its totally izi to do the same things like in the trailer done
well actually i didnt say that.
uif i had to say anything it would be that having asian people jump incredible distances does not only make me want to burn it with fire but i also doubt that the game will allow any implementation of proper gameplay.
i didnt watch the trailer, couldnt be arsed can tell its one of them shit azn games that are the 'next big thing', and i dont think he was saying it would be hard. i think he was saying that its combat system mechanics are complete bollox like every other aznwnb game.
Aion sucked balls!
cant rly say that much about it as ive only seen ur trailer but 3 dimensional movement did not work well in any MMO so far... also i dont like the asian style of the game. but i didnt wonna hate or anything im just saying that ur title doesnt fit. so id rather ncsoft works on gw2 instead of this "shit".
WoW > *
well seems u like WoW so arguing wont help i never did like the the typical WoW mmo's so this game perfectly would fit me :(
well... yes.
WoW is the way an MMORPG works. any attempt to do it differently made the game boring as fuck...
check Aion ncsoft failed that one hard
ye :( till now no one got it right hope this game changes that
i mean its not the stupid same system like always grinding new items and so on and so on :P
at least that was said in the info's i got till now about the game :P
actually GW was all about items as the levelcap was low.
GW also had a party-mode instead of an open world which (combined with the levelcap) made it feel tiny.
you need MONTHS! to "finish" WoW and you will never be able to say "yes i got everything you can have". thats the way MMOs are supposed to be.
i just cant see GW2 being that good to change peoples mind about that.
GW wasn't about items, something which actually bothered me about the game. Because I like to level and find new kickass items while doing that. I also love being rewarded with new spells when leveling, which GW didn't have either. But it's still a great game and it is HUGE. Nothing tiny about it, just team up with friends. GW2 is going sandbox mode with the ability to jump, swim etc. So it will be more like a mix between GW and WoW I recon. GW2 will be (just like 1) very story involved, unlike WoW which is more about grinding. Don't get me wrong, I loved playing WoW, but after you've learned the ins and outs of every class, it get's boring to farm for items with a group of 10-40 people where you have to continiously spam 1-2 buttons. Even in more challenging fights, the game mechanics usually don't allow for much complexity.
every game gets repetetive after a while because content can not be created as fast as it can be played.
but WoW is by far the biggest game. i did play gw for a while and i enjoyed it more than many other MMOs ive played over the years. i am certain that ill buy GW2.
Yeah it's a big and long game, took me a few years to "finish" it ;D
But I still think it's a shame alot of the quests were so repetitive and the story was pretty non-existant in some parts. The lore is actually great, the game would just be better with more bigger quests where you can follow the story then a dozen small repetitive tasks. I still played more WoW than GW and get drawn back to it occasionaly by my cousin.
gw2 is going to change this
+1, already read sth about it. Seems pretty darn awesome!
gonna change what exactly?
(might have replied to the wrong person/post)

e: if you mean WoW being the best MMO then i gotta disappoint you.
GW has no open world, i really disliked it for that.
GW2 will not have the same size of content that WoW has, no1 does, no1 can. WoW is just too established, too much money went into it.
GW2 will not have the same size of community.
nothing can beat WoW (MMO wise)
well gw2 didnt say anything about its gameplay till now did it?
plenty of info and even videos of gameplay
wow looks like a comic and the community is full of nerds and a lot of junkies which would die when they lost their chars xD

wow is only the most played mmorpg cause of the name warcraft and the big lobby from blizzard. for blizzard wow is the money maschine.
wow is the biggest game cause its the biggest.
and the worst game ever
absolutely not.
in a community that large there will alway be retards. just get a nice guild.
and it simply is the most elaborated game in history.
will not pay fucking euros for some month only to play a fucking game ...
haha 13euros a month is nothing!
13€/month is definitively too much, 5€/month would be ok. think about u buy the game it takes 30-40€ then u pay each month 13€, ok it's possible to download wow but who will download the whole games and add ons.
so when u still play it for 12month and u pay each month 13€ then u paid around of 156€ for one year. over 12million people are playing wow, so 156€ from 12million people, blizzard will get aroud of 1.872.000.000€ in 1year from all gamers. wow was released november 2k5 so in this 5years blizzard got only from payments from the players 9.360.000.000€. i don't wanna know how much money blizzard realy made with wow, but i can believe they laugh about all the gamers how dumb they are to pay expensive prices to play a stupid game which looks like shit. now u wanna tell me that wow isn't expensive. u must be realy dumb to play so much money for a stupid game. it's not said that every gamer is paying month for month. the cost which blizzard is taking for server and staff and for the developer which will do something new isn't realy high.
all the money which u spend for this game u will not getting back, sell ur account u will get some hundred euros but not that money which u spend for the game
the problem is that you appear to be a poor peron with left wing political views.
blizzard made the best game ever and they deserve money for that.
i am happy to pay 13€ a month becuase its simply nothing for me.
i would even pay 3euros per day if i had to.
you can buy wow for 20euros with a month included. that lets you play to lvl60.
you buy the 2 extensions together for 50euro and a gamecard for ~30€.
so for 100euros you can play 3 months to level80 and you posses to right to play WoW everytime you pay 30cents a day.

thats nothing for me.
i don't have a problem with money but it's waste of money.
not if you like the game.
you are obviously free to dislike it but its stupid to state that its the worst game ever.
cause the numbers dont lie. its obviously the most successful game ever (for a reason).
i played wow on a private server for some weeks. was one of the biggest fail which i did.
you can dislike it if you want. but u r being ignorant about the game. and private servers....
free to play?
nah dont think this will be free to play and free to play mmo's suck anyway
go check out, bets is conquer, all games they make is f2p and good games imo
When does it release??
sorry but mmo's take way too much time :X
aion war geil :)

wenn ihr das anfangt schreibt mich an bin dabei ;)
natürlich :DDDDDDDD
fu :D

nur weil ich immer alle mops anziehe :DDDDDDDDDDDD
xD naja dauert halt noch bis das game kommt denke mal bis das in EU raus kommt vll so 2012 :<
jedenfalls is release in korea nächstes jahr :P
Lineage 2
No thx. Waiting for Earth Rise.
please, wow > this anime faggotshit
need a release date, tell me!!! looks like a cool game, gonna play it for sure :)
check archage, cabal2 , guild wars2 trailers from g-star2010
polak = not thrustworthy !
I tried lotro trial till like level 25, was great fun. But you need to pay for quests even with the free play lotr, right?
atm im @ lvl 10, so far so good, i've never seen such quest :D
it starts getting fun at 10 :P
we'll see :D atm Im really enjoying this game, because im tolkiengeek :D
I'll might start it up again, whats your name on Gilrain? :)
its fwraven ;P
On which server you are?
there isnt any game even close being good as wow
WoW was a great experience, but I felt like I've seen it all a year back.
they should make Freelancer 2, that would be the best MMORPG
will get overhyped and die like AION , same goes for TERA
I really dont like MMORPG, but that trailer made me cum. Will definetly try it
Vindictus :)

2dec EU launch.
These trailers are only to hype up the game , nothing specific is released about combat system or gameplay , i have a feeling it will be the same as aion.

But i do recommend Mabinogi heroes/Vindictus , its the best mmo iv ever played :)
well check the website out there are videos which explain the combat system :)
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