On my new Mac

Ordered an ePad today on my new CRT.
What I didnt know back then is that my dad would bring me a brand new Macbook.

Its very expensive and only wealthy people can afford it.

Sorry to all the polaks and poors but im rich.
Very big jopen on television
North Korea is rich Korea :)

I have a MBPro too!! FU POOR BITCHES
No wonder your a school drop out with parents like that.
HAHA! It's not MacBook PRO
wow u suck at trolling
what macbook is it?:) mbpro>*
who is this mutt of a girl. is that a girl? ( on the right)

image: tumblr_kzg7h7qyB01qbn2kpo1_400
Yo-Landi from Die Antwoord!
shes a mutt runt.
She's just zef.
bolding rat?
sorry to inform you, but your are a huge faggot
Well, i'll just leave this here :

Actually, the hardware inside of my old MacBook was amazing compared to this mid range laptop. I never had 1 single crash with my MacBook, runnning OSX and Windows XP...

The hardware is expensive hardware which works for a long time, unlike what laptop companies do.

Yes the hardware is lacking since 4870 came out like 3 years ago now (I had it on PC when it first came out) and it is now the high-end Mac range... BUT...... it's not for gaming is it? The 4870 handles Photoshop and Premiere like a piece of piss.

I do prefer PC's however, but Apple are generally known for their portable computers.
Apple generally puts in the SAME hardware you can get anywhere else for a LOWER price.

Maybe they manufacture it a bit better, but otherwise it isn't that much better.. People usually just think that way because of the price.
You drop out of school and for reward u get a Macbook? wat
You're either a troll or an idiot.
whats the difference :)
Trolls can be geniuses, idiots cannot
CORRECTION: the cheeseschaaf is for whealty people
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