having danceparty?

i was so bored and started to dance, just had to show you my dance moves

"oh wow hes such a criplle but still happy enough to dance, that so amazing"
thats really disrespectful
You can say what you want but he can dance
that guy is epic
lold at 1:55 when he makes a 360 with wheelchair :D
i thaught dancing whas someting with legs
Respect !
cant watch it
he's got game
that guy got all my respect, he is enjoying life more than some people without handicap :)
he doesn't deserve that body
he said: "I am sure you are laughing on me"
but i was just smiling by seeing him that happy. Was nice to see how he is enjoying his life even in the wheelchair...

All my respect!
You can still live your life to the fullest

As a cripple
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