A break from video editing

I've had this little project in my mind i always wanted to finish. A body mount for a camera, or a snorricam. A nice fresh breather from video composing and creating effects. So here is a quick test run we filmed today:


It showed room for improvement, but looks promising so far.
Cool story bro!
ur hot :)

nice video aswell, enjoy it somehow

song name?
not me in the vid, i set it up, which can be hard to do on myself since im the only one who knows how to assemble the rig :p

song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MMOtYXcBOU
how does that camera work? i mean, is it just in front of u ? pic of that system
image: 76783_1618856985919_1071234919_31695874_8043320_n

Can be adjusted to nearly any angle and distance range of like 30cm to 1.5m (more with longer poles). And ofc i can always rebuild the entire rig since i have the rock solid platform on the body.
ok. nice vid but you can see that its kinda hard to move with all that stuff. when the moving is improved its perfect
its not really hard to move. the problem was that there wasnt much room to move around (we just did it randomly in a bar, after there was a problem with the shooting location) so you need to be careful not to bang the camera against the wall. other than that the rig really doesnt limit you that much. you can sit down, crouch, run whatever. its just the regular problems with any rig of this type. walking through a closed door is a problem since you cant reach for the handle. but it could be helped with a different setup (shorter poles) and its easy to do so if i needed it.
is it rly useful ? i mean only to make a certain type of documentary of one self ?
it creates a certain type of effect and has been used in lots of movies. you could also shoot from behind and above to create that 3rd person game view (like used in max payne series), or from the sides, etc, etc


the first scene of this music video is just amazing. i'll probably build a rig just to make a scene like this some day.
This video contains content from UMG. It is not available in your country.

Well fuck you UMG. Any chances you'll upload it without music?
germany is pretty fucked up country
You absolute legend!
Looking nice mate. Saw some of the grips around your waist so try to keep them out of site otherwise good work so far!
thanks. yeah at the start there you can see some, but it shouldnt be a problem. you can always cover them with a jacket this time of year or cut them out in after effects.

that music video i posted above had the poles fully visible in those long shots, but were removed using the wire remove technique.
Yea it's looking really impressive mate. You have an uncanny knack for media :p
reminds me of requiem for a dream
so basically you were drinking water from those mugs? XD
Great stuff Superboyy. Cool video ^^
thats actually quite good, well done!
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