Own Homepage

Hey guys,

I guess some of you already know that im working often with Photoshop and i think that i have gained a lot of experience there. My next step is building my own homepage. I am searching for an easy program like "Frontpage" which is really easy to use. I want to design all the stuff by my own (Background, Buttons, Banner etc) and use them with the program. It should be really easy to use.

I mean something like drag and drop - Opening the designed file and put it on the Website, then placing the next file on a different position, adding some buttons and text.. very simple stuff. Im not planning to make any professional website.

I tried to work with frontpage but there i cant add the pictures the way i want (png files with invisible parts etc etc...)

Could anyone help me out ? Which prog could you recommend ?

Ps: i have 0 idea of all the <b> </b> stuff...


lol after some hours of "click and try" + some youtube-tutorials, i know how to make a very nice websitelayout with photoshop :] i have to slice every little part of it and save it as a html-file and import it to dreamweaver (or frontpage). now i have no idea how to link a sliced part ( or button ) to the next page :D would be nice if someone could tell me that, because all the youtube tutorials about this are fuvking hard to understand lol :P
You know, this is why we all hated geocities
i'm just trying to look oldschool, no worries m8, and GL!
haha they r down for like a year or so, real oldschool mister :p
when it went down everybody was like OMG NOOO GEOCITIES WE WILL MISSED YOU

but back in the days it was the myspace of web 1.0, it was that bad!
and now myspace got knocked out by soundcloud.
thats the way it goes.
cant say im sad that myspace is gone, or geocities for that matter (especially geocities actually).
lol, i think you touched a nerve here :D
Goecities... Tackiest shit ever lol
my favourite SCOTSman! We can be friends again nao?
Forgot I wasn't talking to you...
i guess i won't remind you next time then HEHEHE
PRO WEBSITE OMFG! (and hi Krosan) :D:D:D
i made great websites there :D
freewebs :)
i mean has noone an idea ? :x

for example take a look at this homepage: http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2010/116/9/3/932fd2bcb5952c92d87619fc057d2984.jpg

I COULD design a semilar one and place all the needed files to the right position. Now i need a program, where i can do that and link my buttons to other places (like delphi -> on mouseclick )
websitecoding will never work like drag and drop, you HAVE to learn at least a basic knowledge about css even programs like dreamweaver or frontpage cant make it drag&drop. best tools to code a page are Firefox + Editor. (for css knowledge selfhtml.de)
i just looked through some tutorials...actually i CAN make a lot work with photoshop and convert it with dreamweaver to a template
then i just have to learn how to link every page (gonna do that tomorrow) and everything is fine :>
html + css izi2learn
i know that PS actually can create html text but its utter shit ;) so your page will basically be some shit like angelfire
tried but didnt really help :(
"noob proof HTML editor" or something like that. it will ofc involve a little learning.
Its better to start with editor, so you actually understand that stuff :x
<?PHP echo"RazZaH You are the best"; ?>

It will says

QuoteRazZaH You are the best
If you are using PHP simply for prints or echos, why the hell make the CPU process it, and just have static contents :D?
he doesnt know shit u are talking about
$sql = "
$res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$count = mysql_num_rows($res);
echo "Wij hebben momenteel <b>".$count."</b> zenders op onze website staan.<br /><br />";

www.onlinestereo.org :)
someone found out about ctrl+u

u kid dont know anything about html

when i was 12 years old i made webpages using html and all i did was pasting shit around and trying to figure out whats what and modify it with my own text, font etc etc.

taht doesnt mean that when i was 12 i cud write a page out of nothing with html

all u do is check some tutorials out and paste it.

if u think that for pasting where u wanted some clock or whatever in some basic shit site u tried to do u know html u should wake up
True know shit about HTML

I know PHP...............................
ahahaha im sure u do
Sure i do :)
I think you should start learning what those <b> </b> are first
just know dreamweaver, you should have it, if you already have PS
It should be esasier for U to get CMS and edit template with your own idea.
joomla, typo3 usw
is it useful to know soething bout CSS and/or xhtml and that shizzle? really dunno
just the basic things imo

the rest is journalism ;)
journalism xD
Dreamweaver & http://www.oswd.org/ for starters.
Can you pm me when you found that program ? I am interested in this as well, to lazy to search and try them out :|
ask ethr about the slicing part ;)
thx :>

ive read through some tutorials now and i guess that i can master it :D (slicing rund objects isnt possible tho :x) next step will be linking buttons to other pages :]
nice, i used to make basic sites .. just simply designing the images and inserting them into frontpage, then hyperlinking text/images to internal and external sources .. gl with any coding u attempt tho :D
if u want to make money, become independent
end of story :)
Pornhub.com Search for BBW.. = my mother.
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